Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pictureless pleite

End of August, almost Christmas, the nights are drawing in. I notice this as I have back-shifts this week that finish at 8pm, still light when I leave, but light fading by the time I get back to my gorgeous flat, a flat with a stunning new shower room! It's a walk-in shower unit, wet-walled and tiled. Even has a mirror that has a heat pad so it doesn't steam up, meaning that I can admire my good looks even directly after a shower.. Cost a few thousand, but what is money for?

Had a couple of people in to value the flat not long after the new bathroom was fitted, got to keep all options open after all. Even tidied up and everything, the flat looked great, though my snobbishness means the usual piles of rubbish are now developing.

Went to Edinburgh a couple of times this month, went to the Craig Ferguson Show that was part of the festival, finished at 1am then walked 40 mins through the rain to Annie and Gordon's place near the zoo. Next day we had a few pints here and there. A few days later I was back in Edinburgh for the book festival with Tavis, got tickets to see a french author describe the history of french collaboration etc, would have been better had he not needed a translator however.

Walking-wise the month was so-so, did walk with Bea on a great day to Aberdour, also to  Kirkcaldy along the coast a couple of times. Last walk on Saturday was supposed to end in Leven, but Tavis and I got pissed and we ended the walk in East Wemyss instead, the drinking continued afterward in Kinghorn, yeah it's great to be immature sometimes. We had intended to make the East Fife-Raith game, but the best laid plans of mice and men etc..There was no running this month, because I just am not in the mindset, hard to explain really.

Work is a bit stressy at times, the 2018 season has opened, but there are problems galore with the system and website, are the French running us into the ground? Very possibly. 

Bea gave me a new phone, new network, but reception ain't great. Also cannot upload any pictures, so I might add later.