Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mohr grave bear

This year is racing by, and already it is nearly May. Started month in usual manner, full of good intentions and keep-fit attitude, only it didn't pan out like that.

Sure, I walked to Kirkcaldy and back a few times, but no big walks or runs were undertaken. Really must try to get back into running now and again as it does lift your spirits (as opposed to lifting a glass of spirits being a lazy bugger at home).

Not been a good month for morale, had a fallout with an older woman at work (was technically her boss on that Saturday shift) and there have been meetings etc. Not going to bore myself writing much more about this, the company is a joke really. May very well start searching for pastures new, as I made the mistake of being stressed out for years during my time at Sykes in Edinburgh. Life is too short for such crap.

My father lies in a hospital as I write this, his voice has gone, but he survived a 17 hour operation on Thursday and I visited him on Saturday, though unable to speak he seemed to be as good as can be expected under the circumstances.

I was at Monachyle Mohr hotel on the Friday (was arranged long before my father's illness and was good to get away for a night). The room was great, even had a steam sauna and a sunken bath. The food was good, though in these fancy places it's more about presentation than quantity. I enjoyed it, was a present from Kath for my birthday, shame it was just the one night! Tom and Lisa, who own it, are also the aunt and uncle of my nephews, family connections count!

 Here are three photos taken this month, one is of Rob Roy's grave at Balquidder, not far from the hotel, there is one of me outside the hotel on my way to dinner. The other is of Amelie the bear that Martina at work skillfully created for me.