Sunday, December 31, 2017

Flu-ridden uninspired old shit

At the risk of sounding repetitive, that's another year gone in record time! Life is short, only young people don't understand it yet. Have been feeling quite ill since about Xmas day, have the flu, with lung infection and a bad back too. Though, am I one to grumble? You had better believe it.

I like December, the month started in usual fashion, then we went to Germany for a few days, as one does. Feeling uninspired as I write this as my temperature is quite high, was working today and yesterday as only supervisor, otherwise I would have called in sick. Just back from the Auld Hoose, still early evening, but I'm just not in the mood, no way am I staying there until midnight, also that fat layabout Rob was been especially dive-like today and I just cannot stand it.

Germany was good, though the visit was short, far too much Glühwein, beer and whisky was drunk, though I knew that would happen before I boarded the plane. Have vague memories of "Bomben auf England" being sung in central Heidelberg, and meeting a couple of nice people in Stuttgart the one night we were there.

No runs this month, am a real lazy shit, things will have to change, even the 170000 steps were below the 200000 target. Thanks to my sister Kath and John for helping with the moving of lots of stuff from one Kinghorn flat to another. Oh, and the ivy problem has been slightly addressed, I called the council about it touching the flat, they have now cut a lot of it back. No action in the last few days, I hope they come again in the new year to finish the job.

Have a good new year dear reader  :-)   Here a few photos taken this month...


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Cracked lakelander

This month went very, very quickly it seemed, though if any month should go quick I'm glad it is this dark, ice cold one. Month started off well, went a run around Kinghorn, walked the coast to Kirkcaldy once or twice too, but that was about the size of it.

Noticed driving home near start of month that widescreen had a crack, so, yet again, I had to have it replaced, wasn't even that long since last time! Then a couple of days back another wee stone hit windscreen, there is just a wee damaged area though so will not get Autoglass out just yet. Typical.

Only major trip this month was to Ulverston, an almost traditional annual pilgrimage. Had intended to walk to Coniston, but it was so muddy that walking around Ulverston itself seemed a better idea, was nice to be back there, visited all our favourite pubs that we, by now, know so well. This time I didn't take car, went by train and all went fine- apart from the initial train to Haymarket to Kinghorn that Scotrail cancelled for no reason, meaning a mad dash in car to park and ride in Inverkeithing and a run along the road there to catch a connecting train, oh what a stress..

Work is quiet, I do not like being there at the moment. Job is becoming more and more centered around reports for this and that and, frankly, I wouldn't even mind if the French parent company did, what we all expect will happen sometime, and closed us down. Anyway, I'm not worried too much, tomorrow is December and Christmas is just around the corner.

A wee trip to Germany is planned in a week's time, should be good. Have quite a few days off in December, so an Xmas market or two are bound to be visited! Fay and Richard moved out of Kinghorn today after selling their large house, maybe we will see them at some point in the future.

Here are a couple of photos taken in Ulverston, one of the Hoad monument, one taken of part of the town from the aforementioned monument, and the other is taken in one of the pubs. My favourite ale down there is Lancaster Red, very nice indeed.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pyramid loving beastie boy

Does not feel like Halloween, seems all the festivities ended last weekend, even the spooky walk which I normally go on, but missed, because all was too early.

Quiet at work, I have the same feeling I've had a couple of times in recent year, namely don't make long term plans, cause things might very well change. Still, if it happens, it happens, let's not worry about things.

Lazy lard arse had no gym visits this month, nor did he go running. Did do a couple of walks though, the usual along the coast, need to do better and cut down on the malt whisky writes he while savouring a peated gem from Glen Moray..

Highlight of the month was the trip over to the Cottbus region- not my last German trip of the year- for a get together of various people I don't know too well. Yeah, managed to get drunk on the whisky I bought and mentioned the war a couple of times, same old, same old. Also managed to go to Bad Muskau, then a short walk over into Poland where all sorts of Nazi stuff was for sale, managed to resist all the Steinar clothing and Hitler statues though. Got bitten to death by German midges though during my stay with Wilfried in the village of Haasow. Before I knew it we were back in the dreich Scottish paradise of Fife.

Clocks now gone back and it's getting dark as I write this, a quarter to five! I hate this time of year, the intelligent would head for Australia or similar. Photos show a couple of Fuehrer statues (there were also Hitler lighters, cigarette cases etc, SS badges etc), one of the impressive pyramids in the Branitzer park, the castle at Bad Muskau (about 200 metres from the open Polish border), and one of the many bites I suffered from the aforementioned wee beasties. Almost looks like a poppy to commemorate the war dead.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Bathroom bother

Well I have figured out now how to get photos from the new phone onto the PC at last, have to use two Google accounts, was a struggle to work out a simple thing.

Another month almost over and it has been quite eventful. Started month by walking over the new Queensferry Crossing , won a bit of a lottery to do so as the bridge has no pedestrian access, the bridge featured today too as today was the first time I drove over it! Certainly it is quite an impressive structure, should last for a few decades.

Was quite active this month, did a lot of walking, mostly to Kirkcaldy and back, but on Monday Tavis and I walked from Kincardine to North Queensferry (in the shadow of the aforementioned bridge), was a long stretch and there was a bit too much road walking for my liking, also the pubs weren't up to much, hardly a decent beer to be had.  Even managed 3 visits to the gym this month, mostly run on the treadmill to be honest, though I do use a couple of other machines.

Work has become quite quiet, been off this week and I sure don't miss it. My days off were fine-until Thursday. I had intended to go to Edinburgh on Thursday, but my neighbour downstairs was at my door just as I was about to leave. There was water cascading down through her light into her bathroom, and the kitchen and hallway too. I switched off the water for both flats then came to the conclusion that my new shower was to blame, the workman Donny had messed up. Called him, he was in Spain, will be speaking to him upon his return tomorrow evening, he should hopefully be here to repair it all on Monday, we will see. Am pissed off that it happened- emergency plumber showed me one of the connections at back of shower unit had come out. Would have been an even greater disaster had my neighbour not been at home, as there was no indication anything was wrong in my flat!! In a nutshell I have to use another flat for showering at the moment and my happiness at the expensive new bathroom has gone.

Will soon be putting my glad rags on, am invited to a wedding reception in Aberdour tonight, will go to the Auld Hoose here first because Annie and Gordon are due to visit the pub today, also I have to convince Davie Specs to come with me as our partners cannot make it.

Here are a few photos taken this month, one is of the part that failed at back of shower, the emergency plumber who stopped the leakage had to destroy one of the new tiles :-( , one is of me at the bridge walking event, another shows me in Limekilns last Monday with the new bridge away in the background. The other is of Linda Gallacher, my old Sykes colleague who emigrated to Australia in 2008, met up with her for a pint or two in Kirkcaldy.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pictureless pleite

End of August, almost Christmas, the nights are drawing in. I notice this as I have back-shifts this week that finish at 8pm, still light when I leave, but light fading by the time I get back to my gorgeous flat, a flat with a stunning new shower room! It's a walk-in shower unit, wet-walled and tiled. Even has a mirror that has a heat pad so it doesn't steam up, meaning that I can admire my good looks even directly after a shower.. Cost a few thousand, but what is money for?

Had a couple of people in to value the flat not long after the new bathroom was fitted, got to keep all options open after all. Even tidied up and everything, the flat looked great, though my snobbishness means the usual piles of rubbish are now developing.

Went to Edinburgh a couple of times this month, went to the Craig Ferguson Show that was part of the festival, finished at 1am then walked 40 mins through the rain to Annie and Gordon's place near the zoo. Next day we had a few pints here and there. A few days later I was back in Edinburgh for the book festival with Tavis, got tickets to see a french author describe the history of french collaboration etc, would have been better had he not needed a translator however.

Walking-wise the month was so-so, did walk with Bea on a great day to Aberdour, also to  Kirkcaldy along the coast a couple of times. Last walk on Saturday was supposed to end in Leven, but Tavis and I got pissed and we ended the walk in East Wemyss instead, the drinking continued afterward in Kinghorn, yeah it's great to be immature sometimes. We had intended to make the East Fife-Raith game, but the best laid plans of mice and men etc..There was no running this month, because I just am not in the mindset, hard to explain really.

Work is a bit stressy at times, the 2018 season has opened, but there are problems galore with the system and website, are the French running us into the ground? Very possibly. 

Bea gave me a new phone, new network, but reception ain't great. Also cannot upload any pictures, so I might add later.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Out with the old, in with the new (bog)

Crivens, that's July almost gone, not been the best for weather though there were a few decent days to be sure. No massive long walks undertaken, though I did go along coast to Kirkcaldy about 4 times. Also managed one wee run, but really need to be less lazy, then I've been writing the same for months!

Getting bathroom done up, the guy who is doing it will be here soon, will take about a week apparently, so will not be staying here overnight for the next wee while. Is going to cost a lot, but then sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. It's been an expensive year so far..

My father has not had his problems to seek and is now in Victoria Hospice, he has been knackered since his operation and surely must find it frustrating being unable to talk, he was home a week or so ago, but ended up being taken back in. Will have to get his grass cut this week, mine too as i haven't done it for about 3 weeks.

Meant to get to Edinburgh this month, but failed due to one reason or other, though the fringe is about to start and we have tickets for a show already.

Nothing much else of interest happened to be honest, just the usual. Work has been reasonable, though will become very busy once booking for 2018 opens, this should have happened already. Am on back-shift, start at 1.30 pm today. It does have certain advantages, though I personally prefer going in early. Have a doctor appointment today, which one of my various complaints I'll mention in the 5 minutes I will be given I am not sure, I did have abdominal pain, but this has since disappeared after making the appointment! Anyway, must rush, loads to do.

Did not take many photos this month, here are a couple in Burntisland beach on market day, the other in the local with Davie B.

Friday, June 30, 2017


Finally done it! Got to North America at last! Did it in style too on the Queen Mary 2. Southampton to New York, with a stopover in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, so that's two countries ticked off the list! Life looked great in Halifax too, a lovely day and a good lifestyle by the looks of it. After asking a local the directions to a good pub we discovered the Alehouse, a very nice pub and a welcome relief from the Canadian heat.

Was a wonderful ship, the food was excellent, lots to do, no seasickness apart from one day going to pick up a capsized yachtsman, that made the news apparently. Would I go again, yes! Though the booze prices are quite high, not only on ship, but also, I was to discover, in New York itself.

Did lots in the short time in New York: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, Staten Island. Open top bus tours were ok, expensive though, and traffic is really bad. Did a lot of walking and went up Empire State, went to Grand Central, Central Park, Intrepid aircraft carrier attraction, walked Brooklyn bridge etc etc. The hotel was not too far from Central Park, and was OK, though it had a hostel feel to it and the walls had mirrors as the rooms were tiny! Weren't too bothered though, was out like a light after lots of walking mainly. Good pubs seemed in short supply in NYC, and at $8 a pint it was expensive as the ship! I guess going off the tourist trail would be cheaper, but we had very little time.

Been back a while now, it's amazing how you get back into routine. Have to remind myself however to avoid Norwegian Airlines, the flight from JFK to Gatwick was horrible-and delayed an hour- as I was filled with gassy stomach problems, also how can anyone sleep upright? I certainly couldn't! And then the stress of getting through Gatwick for connecting flight! Would not want a repeat. Have lots to add, but this is, yet again, a rush to update before end of month. I know how you miss the updates on my exciting so..

The one with me with Canada sign is about the first one taken of me taken outside of Europe, at least for about 30 years. The photo at sunrise of Manhattan was taken from the Queen Mary 2, have many good photos of our arrival, were lucky with the weather. The guy in the suit was our cabin waiter, useless sod.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pre-voyage tension

Almost forgot to update this, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, looking forward to a couple of weeks holiday!

Yes, this is a month of 31 days, and this one has dragged a bit, not had a lot of days off work, in fact the least number I will have this year I think. Not been a particularly physically challenging month, managed about 3 or four walks to Kirkcaldy and one to Aberdour, so no long distance extravaganzas, in fact it's really been months since I did. This has to change, need to get back to my usual self, as I just feel in a permanent rut.

Under a certain amount at pressure at work after another supervisor got herself signed off for 3 weeks or so, it's been hectic in a lot of days, and have been working weekends a lot, am doing this coming one too. So glad that I will be chilling for 2 weeks come Wednesday. Yes, a voyage to the new world awaits, let's see how it goes! This could be the start of the new globe-trotting Alan!

Sorry, nothing else of major excitement happened this month, my dad is back at home now, unable to speak of course, but as well as could be expected, his radiotherapy treatment starts in about 3 weeks or so. Was along his cutting the grass the other day.

Lots of packing to do for the trip I will update you on next time, shame I am working the weekend, have only one day, the Friday off, before I go, and that day will be car-less due to a service/mot.

Here a couple of pictures of the booze brothers on top of the Binn, on the way to Aberdour, where I would-as usual-heroically buy all the roonds. Tavis is pointing to the bar in Burntisland where he last bought me a drink, think it was the same night the Berlin Wall come down.

Monday, May 01, 2017


How could I forget my beach clean volunteer work in April? Here I am next to an SNP MSP and a couple of neighbours, he had put this on his twitter for publicity, his camera obviously.  I do this now and again, doesn't take a lot of time, plan to vote any unionist party in the upcoming elections..

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mohr grave bear

This year is racing by, and already it is nearly May. Started month in usual manner, full of good intentions and keep-fit attitude, only it didn't pan out like that.

Sure, I walked to Kirkcaldy and back a few times, but no big walks or runs were undertaken. Really must try to get back into running now and again as it does lift your spirits (as opposed to lifting a glass of spirits being a lazy bugger at home).

Not been a good month for morale, had a fallout with an older woman at work (was technically her boss on that Saturday shift) and there have been meetings etc. Not going to bore myself writing much more about this, the company is a joke really. May very well start searching for pastures new, as I made the mistake of being stressed out for years during my time at Sykes in Edinburgh. Life is too short for such crap.

My father lies in a hospital as I write this, his voice has gone, but he survived a 17 hour operation on Thursday and I visited him on Saturday, though unable to speak he seemed to be as good as can be expected under the circumstances.

I was at Monachyle Mohr hotel on the Friday (was arranged long before my father's illness and was good to get away for a night). The room was great, even had a steam sauna and a sunken bath. The food was good, though in these fancy places it's more about presentation than quantity. I enjoyed it, was a present from Kath for my birthday, shame it was just the one night! Tom and Lisa, who own it, are also the aunt and uncle of my nephews, family connections count!

 Here are three photos taken this month, one is of Rob Roy's grave at Balquidder, not far from the hotel, there is one of me outside the hotel on my way to dinner. The other is of Amelie the bear that Martina at work skillfully created for me.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Garlieston galavanting and dad 80 not out.

Went to south west Scotland at the start of the month, to a place I had only vague memories of, which isn't surprising as I was only 4 at the time. Anyway, Garlieston was very cold and windy on the day of arrival, but the next day was quite nice, so a march to Isle of Whithorn, and the Steam Packet Inn, took place. Was muddy, very muddy, but was good to discover new territory. The place where we stayed in Garlieston was nice, though there was only one pub in the village, so falling out with the owner was not on the agenda, apart from the lack of beer selection, all went well.

The month started with a lot of walking to be honest, had a lot of early shifts allowing me to head along the coast to Kirkcaldy after work, the longer nights help. A lot of steps maybe, though I accept that my usual discipline regarding beer and malt whisky went out the window most days.  I must get back into the gym mindset..I have a sensible gene-only kicked in with maturity- which means I rarely awake with a hangover, though I need to get as fit as I was a few days ago.

I write this every month only to remind myself of what happened, perhaps the biggest personal issue this month was my father's 80th birthday today, same day and same year as Warren Beatty. He has been ill and has had a most pessimistic diagnosis in the last couple of days. He continues to be a local legend, keep fighting Dad!

 Here shows Ron/dad  on his special birthday, plus me on day of arrival in Garlieston, and a picture of Bea on way to Isle of Whithorn.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Devil dog and horny cow

Where does the time go? Another month almost gone and it went very quickly.  Managed 4 walks to Kirkcaldy, one over the Binn to Aberdour and one, yes only one, run. Still, it could have been worse and the weather wasn't always welcoming to outdoor adventures.  At least with the days getting longer I can do things after work, though it's backshift for me this week, until Thursday, then a long weekend down in the borders is planned. Going to a place I haven't been since I was 4..why am I getting drawn back to places from my childhood, do I have some kind of syndrome?

Month started sorting out Broadband, Gas & Electricity etc. Tried moving Broadband, but something went wrong with the god awful new internet company I chose. Still, I cancelled within 2 weeks and got my money back eventually. Will stay with Plusnet for now, though will probably change unless I get a better deal next year.

Just worked the whole weekend, I do one full weekend a month and it was busy, though we did seem understaffed. As stated, am backshift today, which means no alarm clock in the morning, though getting back later at night is the downside. I try not to think about work when not there, so enough. Sometimes I feel only one bad day away from walking out..

Was over in Edinburgh last Wednesday night, met up with Gordon while the others attended the Pet Shop Boys concert in the Playhouse. We went to a couple of pubs, one on Rose Street had a free microphone night and we were quite impressed by a young Australian on the guitar.  After that we went to the Guildford Arms to meet up with Annie and Bea. Was a good night and it was just as well I had the next day off. Really have to get to Edinburgh more than once a month, it costs money, but is well worth it, and is a change from the same old faces in the Auld Hoose!

Here are 3 photos taken this month, one of Gordon the groupie, one of a fearsome looking highland cow and the other of Graeme's dog Lilly who looks scarier then normal due to an amateur photographer!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Bloody auld

Well, the birthday arrived eventually, and I don't feel much different to be honest, why be depressed when many didn't make it this far?

Been a bit more disciplined this month, went a couple of runs along the coast to Seafield Tower and back, didn't drink on a few days either..what an achievement! I think my new hours at work help a bit, any hours not spent in the office are welcome.  Also walked along to Kirkcaldy last Thursday and Friday, it's a good wee stretch that I enjoy.

The birthday itself was fine, went to the Ship for a nice  meal and shared a bottle of wine, then it was on to the Auld Hoose for several drinkies, many of them double whiskies bought by kind friends. Was glad I had yesterday off!!

Other things happening? Well, I'll be spending lots of money soon, on a big holiday in June, and I have got a couple of quotes for my bathroom that is needing done up, the quotes are large let me tell you, a decision on this will be made in next day or two. Also will go down the borders in March, just for a couple of days though. Off to work soon, back shift today, could be worse, could be Monday..