Monday, October 31, 2016

Red faced sleuth

Halloween already upon us, but no spooky walk this year, apparently it is only going to be staged every couple of years from now on, a shame as it had become a bit of a tradition. The photo here is suitably scary for today's occasion..

Month started off with a trip to the local Kia garage to get a punctured tyre replaced, that's now 3 of the 4 replaced since I got it. Still, am glad the wheel survived the trip to Holland last month as it was too late to get it fixed before I went.

Also, nearer the beginning of the month, I walked from Leven to Kinghorn with Tavis, well at least I did, though Tavis did make it as far as the Harbour Bar! I think he may even have bought a round.. Was the first long distance stretch for a while, the new boots are still comfy, no complaints at all. Around the same time I was in Edinburgh looking at new rain jackets, all quite expensive as this time I wanted quality, with Gore-Tex lining etc. Ended up not buying one on that trip to Edinburgh, I checked the internet later on and found the same one £100 cheaper, was a no-brainer, so now have a lovely new jacket. This was not the only trip to Edinburgh this month, was there about a week ago to see The Mousetrap, an Agatha Christie play at the Kings Theatre, was good, managed to work out the killer before the end, though why do the tallest people always have to sit straight in front of me? The trip also involved  visits to the Hanging Bat and Cloisters, the rhubarb beer (and the smoked beer) in the bat were really something. Only have vague memories of the train home!

The weekend just past was not too eventful, went shopping, got a couple of steaks (just eaten now, lovely..) and went to the local pub. Probably overdid it though as I had a bad allergic reaction (and not to buying a round if that's what you think..) when I got home, with a red rash covering many parts of my body. Who knows what I'm allergic to, this is not the first time, though I'll be careful about what I eat or drink for a while.

Plans are being developed for a special trip next year...shame the exchange rate is so crap. More later..