Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Crisp-free beerophile

Well Alan, what have you been up to? Well, it's been a long month and the signs of winter already show, leaving back shift at 8 and things are dark already, the nights are fair drawing in!

I feel my work/life balance just isn't right now, I preferred it before my hours went up, my body rebels against the current arrangement. I am not too unhappy at work, it's just I spent too much time there. That being said I have had some of my worst days at work within the last week, pessimism is rife, and I was thought a source of this, you really have to trust no one, that is one thing that is plainly clear. Still, it's not Sykes, where I spent many years, I shudder at the thought.

I did do a few walks along the coast to Kirkcaldy for sure, often ending for food and beer in a pub through there. Went to Edinburgh a couple of times too, went to a show at the Festival- a one man show about Rudolf Hess, and it was very well done. We also went through to Glasgow for a craft beer pub crawl, I know a bit of geography now, the weather was great, walked over 10 miles in Glasgow from east to west, was a good trip, stayed a night at the Euro-hostel there, good value. On way back through from Glasgow, I bought an expensive pair of walking boots on Rose Street in Edinburgh, they have good reviews so hopefully will last me a while.

Oh, and my neighbour and I are still not speaking after Seagullgate, really it's not worth the effort. Bit of a rush this update as I almost forgot. I see a Bavarian beer festival is due to start along the coast tomorrow, I might not make it then, but am surely going to go at some point in the next couple of days, you can bet on it. Been a bit of a boozy month, have to admit it, probably because of the aforementioned work unhappiness, but I have been disciplined enough to not have any crisps (and very little chocolate) for this month. Here a couple of photos taken this month on camera- most photos were taken on phone, I will research this another time. One shows my lovely seals, one is Tavis returning (again) without a pint for me from bar, and the other is a pretty photo from Glasgow, on the Great Western Road,  a craft beer heaven..