Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brexit bummer

Well that was either the best, or most stupid, thing we've done, it's all Brexit Brexit Brexit at the moment and I do not have a good feeling. Sure, on the plus side it's two fingers up to the old political elites and to Merkel, but there could be consequences, the economy for starters could be damaged, we'll see how things develop.  Of course in Scotland, which voted remain, there is the shadow of yet another referendum by that horrible woman Sturgeon and her lemming-like followers. Maybe I need to emigrate somewhere, am sick to the back teeth of all these constitutional questions when real bread and butter issues get ignored. Baaaah politics, it's in my head and I can't get it out. Need a holiday, and thank god I'm off today for a few days in the Brexit heartland of Cumbria, I'll try to avoid political discussions while there.

Got car serviced at start of month so hopefully there will be no breakdowns while driving south, unlike the time a couple of years back when my old car conked out in the middle of nowhere in the Highlands.  I think the car died under the weight of Clemens' belly to be honest. Work has been stressful this month as we are getting a new database, I want to forget all about that too for a few days. At least I wasn't totally lazy this month, even ran out to Black Rock and back, also walked to Kirkcaldy once or twice, last time I even met up with old seadog Tavis, who is now retired, or unemployed, take your pick.  Have to rush now because I want to be down south in time for the Wales v Northern Ireland game in the Euros. I want both to win, but hope England get put out against Iceland in the coming days, should be interesting watching that one in an English pub!!

The picture shows Tavis returning from the bar without a pint for me, he hasn't changed much..