Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rotten lazy lardarse

Finally got around to downloading Windows 10, had a pop up constantly telling me to do so, was concerned some games wouldn't work, but they do so all is good.

Been a lazy bastard all month, apart from a walk from Lower Largo to Elie and 2 walks to Kirkcaldy and back, I've done not a lot at all, have written off the month as I adjust to things. Spent a couple of nights at the Crusoe Hotel in Lower Largo at beginning of month, would not rush back, was ripped off. Shame the Lundin Links Hotel is closed, was a favourite of mine. The walk to Elie was ok, but we decided not to do the chain walk as felt a bit fragile after the night before. Visited St Andrews too - the pubs of course.. Do have long walks planned for Friday and Saturday, so April should herald a new lifestyle..

Think my new hours at work affect my motivation to go to gym, go running etc. It's probably been about 6 months since my last run to Seafield and back, this will have to change (writes he with a Polish beer in his hand).  Been the pub's best customer this month too, at least Johnny was pleased.

Anything of excitement? Not much, was nice to have a few visitors recently, but they went a few weeks ago now. Booked a trip to Belfast on a whim the other night, is a while until then though. Got a quote to have the flat painted too, a lot of money, but it needs it, will decide soon. Got an eye test done, gave Davy from pub my prescription and await new specs for driving etc soon. Vaguely remember a trip to Edinburgh this month too, the pubs included Cloisters and the Guildford Arms I'm sure..

 I must clear the 4 week old debris from the floor of this living room, help! Why can't I ever get started? Why do I always put things off? I hope I have more interesting adventures to write about next month.