Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Hogmanay!

Another year almost over, am sitting at home this afternoon, quite often around this time I'll be in the pub with my cronies, but I'll start a bit later today if I'm to last until midnight! Tonight we will have a few drinkies to be sure, and tomorrow there will be free food provided at the pub too, luckily I am not working tomorrow, though I have been these last 4 days, the only supervisor on duty and a good few problems were encountered. Am back at work on the 2nd though, so just a normal weekend really.

Been a year that my work/life balance was not exactly as I liked, though will be doing slightly less hours next year so hopefully my discipline will return and I'll start trying to be fitter again. Not just a beer swilling slob. Got new boots and jacket this year so it's about time I put them to the test, I do walk a lot, mostly along to Kirkcaldy though, hardly a long distance challenge. The year 2017 will be a landmark year for me though, am still in good enough shape for a West Highland Way or similar, so I'll plan something soon.

Went to Berlin for the umpteenth time during this month, also went to Cottbus and it's surrounds, also Potsdam for a night, was good, and very mild, was not cold at all and the Christmas feeling just hasn't been there for me, still managed a good few mulled wines with rum though! The trip was overshadowed by the attack on the Christmas market by a brainwashed terrorist though, was not at that particular market, but was at it last year I think. I had left Berlin the day, or maybe 2 days before, but it certainly makes you think. There will probably be many more of these attacks all over Europe in the future, largely due to the failure of the ruling elites to address the problem. Still, I'll not rant and rave right now, not enough energy.

 Here are a couple of photos, taken with the phone (which now has a charging problem and might have to be binned), one is drinking mulled wine at Alexander Platz, the other on TV Tower, probably my 2nd or 3rd visit to the top of that, suffer a bit from vertigo though. The other is of a Christmas Market in Cottbus, not very busy, but it was quite early in the day.

Will be officially ancient by the time of the next update, still I've outlived quite a lot of celebrities..have a great New Year loyal reader.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Team leading darkness hater

St Andrew's Day, not that anyone noticed, the last day of a fairly dreich and cold month that was quite frosty at times. The Christmas feeling is missing, maybe it will come in December, as I'm sure to be visiting a Christmas market or two both here and abroad in the next couple of weeks.

Had a couple of long weekends this month, on one of them we headed down to the Lake District for a couple of nights, yes, going to the same place we've been twice before! Our arrival was on the evening of the England-Scotland football game, so I rushed to the bookies and put a bet on an England 3-0 win, though I should have put more on as our team are shockingly bad at the moment, still I won £16, enough for about 4 pints down there.

Been in a bit of a rut, it's dark whenever I leave work, and I just cannot be bothered tidying this bloody flat, some things are still occupying bits of carpet from months ago, the hoover is on the hallway, and has been for weeks, just cannot be bothered either using it, or putting it away. There is also a mound of clothes washing waiting and the washing up is a joke. Arriving back in darkness I just canne be fashed, though heading to pub for a pint most nights doesn't concentrate my mind.

Been training some new starts at work, has been ok, but looking forward to reduced hours in new year, as my shifts have made this year a bit enjoyable, my work/life balance was better before. Still, I am now officially a Team Leader, so that bit is ok.

Walked a couple of times along the coast to Kirkcaldy on days off, once the boy Reddick even bought a round! However, longer walks, gym visits and runs did not occur, though the icy weather didn't help. I must do my best to become disciplined again next year, like I was a couple of years ago.

Going to Germany in a week or so, not for long though, will be good to have a few days off work, will be working between Christmas and New Year which is a pain, especially as things will be very quiet. Beginning to feel very, very old..

Here are a few photos taken this month, the one of me taken this evening, one in the Swan Inn in Ulverston with famous rugby player (he told us so) Phil Hogan in background, the other is of Davie specs looking daft.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Red faced sleuth

Halloween already upon us, but no spooky walk this year, apparently it is only going to be staged every couple of years from now on, a shame as it had become a bit of a tradition. The photo here is suitably scary for today's occasion..

Month started off with a trip to the local Kia garage to get a punctured tyre replaced, that's now 3 of the 4 replaced since I got it. Still, am glad the wheel survived the trip to Holland last month as it was too late to get it fixed before I went.

Also, nearer the beginning of the month, I walked from Leven to Kinghorn with Tavis, well at least I did, though Tavis did make it as far as the Harbour Bar! I think he may even have bought a round.. Was the first long distance stretch for a while, the new boots are still comfy, no complaints at all. Around the same time I was in Edinburgh looking at new rain jackets, all quite expensive as this time I wanted quality, with Gore-Tex lining etc. Ended up not buying one on that trip to Edinburgh, I checked the internet later on and found the same one £100 cheaper, was a no-brainer, so now have a lovely new jacket. This was not the only trip to Edinburgh this month, was there about a week ago to see The Mousetrap, an Agatha Christie play at the Kings Theatre, was good, managed to work out the killer before the end, though why do the tallest people always have to sit straight in front of me? The trip also involved  visits to the Hanging Bat and Cloisters, the rhubarb beer (and the smoked beer) in the bat were really something. Only have vague memories of the train home!

The weekend just past was not too eventful, went shopping, got a couple of steaks (just eaten now, lovely..) and went to the local pub. Probably overdid it though as I had a bad allergic reaction (and not to buying a round if that's what you think..) when I got home, with a red rash covering many parts of my body. Who knows what I'm allergic to, this is not the first time, though I'll be careful about what I eat or drink for a while.

Plans are being developed for a special trip next year...shame the exchange rate is so crap. More later..

Friday, September 30, 2016

Space odyssey

A bit pissed off because I cannot, at the moment, find my camera, nor can I get the phone's pictures on to the PC, isn't being recognized.

Month started off at the German beer festival tent in Kirkcaldy, where Tavis brilliantly avoided buying a roond on two consecutive days. Had walked along both times in the new leather walking boots I'd treated myself to in Edinburgh a few days earlier.

Later in the month it was off to Holland on the ferry for a few days, the ferries and accommodation I got free because of work, not bad. The weather was great, had a trip to Amsterdam where I sampled a space cake, as tourists do. No effect at all until finishing a pint in the red light district, when, all of a sudden, I thought I was about to die, my dying thoughts being "oh great, here I am surrounded by prostitutes, rent-boys and pickpockets and I'm about to pop my clogs.." I could almost imagine the headlines..

Still, I managed to retain consciousness, just. Managed to somehow get a train, then a bus back to where i was staying, even after 12 hour sleep I was still woozy, so no more coffee shops for me from now on!!  Managed also a trip to Den Haag, a nice place.

Been back at work for a while now, things are quiet, winter looms.

Hopefully I will add photos to this once I can..Ahhhhhhhhhh now I can add some phone photos!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Crisp-free beerophile

Well Alan, what have you been up to? Well, it's been a long month and the signs of winter already show, leaving back shift at 8 and things are dark already, the nights are fair drawing in!

I feel my work/life balance just isn't right now, I preferred it before my hours went up, my body rebels against the current arrangement. I am not too unhappy at work, it's just I spent too much time there. That being said I have had some of my worst days at work within the last week, pessimism is rife, and I was thought a source of this, you really have to trust no one, that is one thing that is plainly clear. Still, it's not Sykes, where I spent many years, I shudder at the thought.

I did do a few walks along the coast to Kirkcaldy for sure, often ending for food and beer in a pub through there. Went to Edinburgh a couple of times too, went to a show at the Festival- a one man show about Rudolf Hess, and it was very well done. We also went through to Glasgow for a craft beer pub crawl, I know a bit of geography now, the weather was great, walked over 10 miles in Glasgow from east to west, was a good trip, stayed a night at the Euro-hostel there, good value. On way back through from Glasgow, I bought an expensive pair of walking boots on Rose Street in Edinburgh, they have good reviews so hopefully will last me a while.

Oh, and my neighbour and I are still not speaking after Seagullgate, really it's not worth the effort. Bit of a rush this update as I almost forgot. I see a Bavarian beer festival is due to start along the coast tomorrow, I might not make it then, but am surely going to go at some point in the next couple of days, you can bet on it. Been a bit of a boozy month, have to admit it, probably because of the aforementioned work unhappiness, but I have been disciplined enough to not have any crisps (and very little chocolate) for this month. Here a couple of photos taken this month on camera- most photos were taken on phone, I will research this another time. One shows my lovely seals, one is Tavis returning (again) without a pint for me from bar, and the other is a pretty photo from Glasgow, on the Great Western Road,  a craft beer heaven..

Sunday, July 31, 2016


June ended and July started for me in Ulverston, a place I've now been twice, and it was a good week. Didn't use the car much while there, probably because the exploration of the local pubs took priority. While there the Euro 2016 was on and we watched a few games in the local pubs, My partner did not endear herself to the locals when she loudly celebrated Iceland's winner against England however! The week was good, though the weather wasn't up to much, a familiar story In July unfortunately.

 I decided I was a lard arse so went 3 runs this month, one to the ruin along the coast and back, another two around Kinghorn for about 20 mins, not a lot but every little helps. Perhaps if I hadn't been drinking ale most days it would also have helped. There is always August! Walking wise, I went along the coast to Kirkcaldy a couple of times, but I feel I really need to get some serious walking done, with that in mind I'm certainly thinking of new boots and a new waterproof jacket. These items are likely to cost a lot if you want quality, but you get what you pay for. I will go to Edinburgh to peruse the shops and , hopefully, go to a fringe festival show or two during August. I do like a trip or two to Edinburgh and a craft beer or two..

At work it's been hectic with booking for 2017 - and a new database- the merchants of doom are predicting things will go pear shaped, if they do, they do. I am not concerning myself with it, my supervisory duties are ok, though it's hardly a dream job. Just glad I don't need to travel to Edinburgh every day. Oh, think I've fallen out with my neighbour again, yes it's the seagull feeding again..seems it's more important to her than good neighbourliness. Oh well..things never change..

 Here are a few recent picures, one of cowzilla that was taken on the Ulverston to Coniston leg of the Cumbrian Way (we unfortunately forgot the guidebook and got lost), one is of a swan family on the canal in Ulverston, the last is of a bird-eating predator in my garden, some kind of hawk that has eaten a lot recently, shame it doesn't eat seagulls too :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brexit bummer

Well that was either the best, or most stupid, thing we've done, it's all Brexit Brexit Brexit at the moment and I do not have a good feeling. Sure, on the plus side it's two fingers up to the old political elites and to Merkel, but there could be consequences, the economy for starters could be damaged, we'll see how things develop.  Of course in Scotland, which voted remain, there is the shadow of yet another referendum by that horrible woman Sturgeon and her lemming-like followers. Maybe I need to emigrate somewhere, am sick to the back teeth of all these constitutional questions when real bread and butter issues get ignored. Baaaah politics, it's in my head and I can't get it out. Need a holiday, and thank god I'm off today for a few days in the Brexit heartland of Cumbria, I'll try to avoid political discussions while there.

Got car serviced at start of month so hopefully there will be no breakdowns while driving south, unlike the time a couple of years back when my old car conked out in the middle of nowhere in the Highlands.  I think the car died under the weight of Clemens' belly to be honest. Work has been stressful this month as we are getting a new database, I want to forget all about that too for a few days. At least I wasn't totally lazy this month, even ran out to Black Rock and back, also walked to Kirkcaldy once or twice, last time I even met up with old seadog Tavis, who is now retired, or unemployed, take your pick.  Have to rush now because I want to be down south in time for the Wales v Northern Ireland game in the Euros. I want both to win, but hope England get put out against Iceland in the coming days, should be interesting watching that one in an English pub!!

The picture shows Tavis returning from the bar without a pint for me, he hasn't changed much..

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Two trips and two colds too

Been suffering this month, firstly horrible man flu that I picked up in Germany, first felt bad in Potsdam the morning after visiting a wine festival nearby, I thought it was just overindulgence, but was ill for two weeks afterwards, even had to take sick days from work, most unusual for me. Then, after a wee weekend in Belfast, I got another cold, though this one doesn't feel quite as bad. Also I pulled a muscle in my leg that had me limping about for 2 or 3 days, I guess I'm getting old.

Anyway, I'm not one for complaining, so it's onwards and upwards. Been using my new phone, downloading apps etc, basically doing things others have been doing for years. Not quite able to transfer photos to my PC though, I'll work it out I'm sure, so don't know if I'll be able to upload any photos from this month, did take a few with camera, but I had issues last month uploading photos too.

The trip to Germany went ok, weather was really hot though, I always take the gorgeous weather with me, though never take it back to Scotland! The wee trip to Belfast was just Saturday morning to Sunday evening, was good, though the tour to Giant's Causeway was booked out, I did have to choose a bank holiday weekend! Anyway, gives me an excuse to go back.  Did two tours of the city, as well as the Crumlin Gaol tour which was good.

Certainly did a lot of walking, the pedometer on my new phone tells me I walked 172 kilometres this month, not bad at all and a large chunk would have been in Berlin, including one long walk from deep in East Berlin into the Tiergarten on a hot sunny day.  No running though, was too ill, and lazy for that, also been downing too many pints of late, I'll have to become more disciplined.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Panic packer

In a last minute panic as I've yet to pack and am heading to airport in an hour, had planned to be really organised, but, alas, the effects of last night in the pub prevented that. At least I've found my passport, that's the main thing. Will be good to get away for a few days, it's been a while!

The month started off quite energetically with a long walk from Kinghorn to North Queensferry, stayed the night in the Ferrybridge Hotel - not a place i'll be rushing back to- before walking back to Aberdour. Was quite a nice day or two, the daffodils were out too.

The weekend after we went to South Queensferry- walked there over bridge from Inverkeithing, placed lots of bets on the Grand National, but did not pick the winner unfortunately. So not been totally lazy this month, though can't help feeling my shifts at work interfere with my work/life balance..still, the way things are going I might not to worry too long about that, the new company owners are changing database, they really seem to have no idea, hey ho.

Managed a run to Black Rock on Monday too, the only run of the month though..can't upload photos!! Will do so later loyal reader.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rotten lazy lardarse

Finally got around to downloading Windows 10, had a pop up constantly telling me to do so, was concerned some games wouldn't work, but they do so all is good.

Been a lazy bastard all month, apart from a walk from Lower Largo to Elie and 2 walks to Kirkcaldy and back, I've done not a lot at all, have written off the month as I adjust to things. Spent a couple of nights at the Crusoe Hotel in Lower Largo at beginning of month, would not rush back, was ripped off. Shame the Lundin Links Hotel is closed, was a favourite of mine. The walk to Elie was ok, but we decided not to do the chain walk as felt a bit fragile after the night before. Visited St Andrews too - the pubs of course.. Do have long walks planned for Friday and Saturday, so April should herald a new lifestyle..

Think my new hours at work affect my motivation to go to gym, go running etc. It's probably been about 6 months since my last run to Seafield and back, this will have to change (writes he with a Polish beer in his hand).  Been the pub's best customer this month too, at least Johnny was pleased.

Anything of excitement? Not much, was nice to have a few visitors recently, but they went a few weeks ago now. Booked a trip to Belfast on a whim the other night, is a while until then though. Got a quote to have the flat painted too, a lot of money, but it needs it, will decide soon. Got an eye test done, gave Davy from pub my prescription and await new specs for driving etc soon. Vaguely remember a trip to Edinburgh this month too, the pubs included Cloisters and the Guildford Arms I'm sure..

 I must clear the 4 week old debris from the floor of this living room, help! Why can't I ever get started? Why do I always put things off? I hope I have more interesting adventures to write about next month.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Busy lazy game changer

Surprised I have any spare time for this post, been busy with this and that. Have a rare moment alone so cannot write too much, am expecting my visitors to arrive any moment. Been a lovely day, more so because I'm not at work, would have been working today, but swapped with a colleague, did her Sunday last week. A couple of visits to Edinburgh this month, a very boozy one with the lads on Thursday, shame I've not been on any runs or been to gym, lazy bastard.  Still, this month is unique in it's way, a very obvious a few photos from this month..

See you on the other side people, leap year tomorrow, Feb 29th beckons, but no Monday blues are expected. Sipping a Talisker Dark Storm at the moment, very nice too.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Old bugger..

Another year older, but I am gradually not worrying about it too much, who really cares? We're not all going to live forever after all, so just get on with it.

I have never liked January much, nothing much exciting really happens, and this was no exception. Am now doing more hours at work in the new role, things are ok, but we'll see how things go for the company as time goes by, again I'll not lose any sleep over it.

Have managed 4 gym visits so far not bad for a lazy bugger like me. Was not thinking of healthy things today though, had the day off, so spent birthday having a few pints in Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn. Even had a nice meal in the Ship last night, the curry is really good there I must say. It might not be 6pm yet, but I'm home, have to get up early tomorrow, and indeed Sunday, as it's my weekend at work as the ever-so-important supervisor...

Plans are progressing for next month, the details of which I have no time to disclose here. Will be good to have a few days off for sure.

I always try to post photos from the same month, though I didn't take many. However, these were taken with my camera in the last day or two. I don't even remember one of them being taken, I wonder which one..The one of Bea must be from December right enough, there is a christmas card box behind her, thought it more recent.