Sunday, November 29, 2015

Promoted weather watcher

I got the job I went for at work, so I guess I'm a kind of supervisor now, though I'll have to work more hours. Work is a bit chaotic at the moment due to a new booking system, so I've that to look forward to this coming week. Still, I'm off for a week in a couple of weeks and I'm heading abroad so that will be nice I hope,

November hasn't been too exciting, it never is, though at least I managed 3 gym visits. Last visit was on Friday when I ran 5k, did some machines, then came home and walked along the coast to a pub in Kirkcaldy. A very health conscious day, well it was if you ignore the 7 or 8 beers I drank.

Christmas is almost upon us, was through in Edinburgh a week ago for the opening night of the European market there, was expensive as always, but worth a visit i suppose. Even spent the night through there in a guest house and headed back into Edinburgh city centre on the Saturday morning too. Visited a medical exhibit museum before heading home.

Weather has turned colder and I saw some snow falling today, I hope it doesn't fall overnight as I have an early start and don't fancy my chances of getting out of my car park should there be any snow. Looked into the pub about lunchtime today, but otherwise I haven't done much, have the Sunday blues and not looking forward to the chaos at work tomorrow.

Here are photos from Edinburgh and my first ever postcard from Noth Korea..

Until December