Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Walking gappy critic

Started things off by walking Dalmeny into Edinburgh along a stretch of the John Muir Way, took a bit longer than I'd expected, went passed Dalmeny House, then passed many a mansion in rich areas of the capital, I believe JK Rowling owned one of them, before succumbing to hunger and thirst and heading to the nearest pub. Ended up getting a bus to the centre and extravagantly spending almost £50 on a bottle of malt I hardly needed..still, it was a nice one.

The following weekend my front tooth fell out, it felt a bit loose at work on the Friday, then it fell out in the Auld Hoose later that evening - direct into a pint of London Pride. Had to wait until Monday afternoon to get it put back in, alas this can happen to anyone with crowns and it would have been worse had ai swallowed it! Have not been biting into any apples- or similar- since then.

My fitness regime continues, though to be honest I'm a lazy bastard, I mean 3 runs this month, one gym visit and a couple of long walks aren't a lot. Still the latest walk was quite nice, along the coast to Dysart and back..well I say nice, the walk was, but Dysart is a bit of an eyesore. Yes, my opinionated criticism of modern architecture continues, just how some buildings got planning permission I just don't know, the whole planning department could be replaced by the monkeys at Edinburgh Zoo, they couldn't do any worse.

Am on backshift this week so will be leaving for work soon, I knew I'd forget this later so I speedily update now. I really feel I need a bit of sunshine, only a few weeks to go until a couple of trips one directly after the other, canne wait.

 Here is a photo of me in front of Dalmeny House, the slipway where, in olden days, ships used to be launched at Kinghorn (had to clamber over rocks for this one), now it's a caravan park not far from where I stay, the last photo is Seafield Tower, I sometimes like to run along the coast to here, then back..the return part is draining as there is a long uphill stretch.