Friday, February 27, 2015

Unlimited tired vulcan mourner

The month may still have a day to go, but I'll update now because tomorrow may involve a lot of walking, and I might be too tired to update. Then again, I'm tired now, bloody knackered. Was in the gym a couple of hours ago, then had a couple of pints in the local before heading home to some nice fish I bought earlier today. Am now partaking of a rather ordinary cabernet sauvignon while listening to old 80s hits.

February may be the shortest month, but it has lasted seemingly ages, kept my discipline to an extent by going 3 major runs, also took Ember the dog from here along to the Hillend Tavern, maybe about 10 miles, maybe less. Anyway, am doing at least a little bit to keep fit. Plan a long walk tomorrow, a part of the John Muir Way into Edinburgh, we'll see.

Have been trying to save a bit of money by changing gas/electric company, also now have unlimited internet, about time, got a quite good deal on it considering my area doesn't yet get the very best deals. Well, saving money won't be what I remember from this month, rather I'll remember all the money I paid for a wee holiday in the sun, well it's good to have something to look forward to. Still a couple of months to go until then though. Someone at work is going to be in the same resort at the same time! A coincidence, let's see if we manage to avoid each other ha ha. I also plan a wee trip to Holland via ferry for a couple of days directly afterward, I hopefully can get that one bankrolled by work, I hope so anyway.

Talking of money, the car park at my bit needs serious work done, and I could be facing a 2K bill or more, in fact all 11 households here will face this, just had a lively discussion with a neighbour about this, my legal obligation is unclear so this is a complication I can live without. My father should have no worries though as 140 has been sold, my childhood home gone forever.

Just heard Spock has died, I know someone who is devastated by this news, is sad, but actors I always think live on forever, they themselves may be dead, but they live on through their work in a way ordinary mortals don't. As for my films this month? I have been working my way steadily through my Columbo collection starring the late Peter Falk, am already on season 9, excellent stuff. Soon I can start on Starsky and Hutch and Wonder Woman...70s timewarp I know..that's me though.

Here are a few photos taken this month. Two are from a walk with Ember to Hillend, one is a Monkey Puzzle tree in Burntisland that unfortunately will have to be felled soon, I remember it well from my childhood (seems trees and Burntisland don't mix these days) but this time a criminal isn't responsible.. the other photo is from the 3 Bridges in South Queensferry, they recently changed their name from the 2 Bridges, for obvious reasons... until next time peeps.