Friday, January 30, 2015

Lazy holiday dreamer

I would like to say I had many adventures this month, but Januarys are rarely like that, are they? Well, for me they are, though as a student I sometimes went on holiday in January as the term didn't start until February..those were the days, not that I'm sentimental about those days, nor about most things these days, it's most unlike me.

It was my birthday yesterday, was low key, was at work until 4 then came home via Aldi (for whisky obviously) then went to the pub for a pint before enjoying a fillet steak with Bea in The Ship. I normally state how ancient I feel, but perhaps I should view things differently, afterall a hundred years ago I could have been in the trenches of the First World War so you've got to put things in perspective.

Have been letting my fitness regime get lax this month, one run and one gym visit (two days ago) that exhausted me completely. I really have to get myself into more of a routine, but in my defence it has been cold recently. Have today off, but am working overtime Saturday and Sunday. I think a proper weekend is called for, this day off here and there without two days in a row is a royal pain in the ass. Talking of weather it always seems when I've decided to have a lazy day, doing washing, tidying, surfing etc, that the sun decides to come out and shine directly into my eyes, so I always have to close the blinds on a nice day.

Wathched a few classic movies this month - Rebecca (1940), The Awful Truth (1937), Goodfellas (1990) , David Copperfield (1935) spring to mind, but there were probably more, I do enjoy my film mornings if I have a back shift, so maybe I'll be watching more next week. Might even watch an old Cary Grant film right now..

Anything else this month will be remembered for? Not really, my mind turns slowly to holidays, my planned week off in March looks unlikely now as Bea cannot get time off, might have to wait to April-May, though hopefully a few long weekends will happen soon. I quite fancy the highlnds once the snow goes.  Did not take any photos this month- until yesterday, when out on my birthday night, here is one of me in the Auld Hoose...a photo I also posted to Facebook to thank those who took the time to send me birthday wishes, until next month!