Monday, December 28, 2015

Old geezers in loud shirts

It's been quite a warm month for December, my thermals haven't been needed, just a couple of months ago a winter of ice and snow was forecast so I don't know what's happened.

Been a month that I've spent more time off work than going there, sadly months like these don't happen very often. My hours at work go up in the new year as I have extra supervisor responsibilities, starting on Jan 2 and 3rd. Not looking forward to it, I have enjoyed my work/life balance up until now, so we'll see how it goes. The whole work situation is a bit chaotic with new parent company etc, so hopefully things will start to get better soon.

Got back from another trip to Germany about a week ago, I do like a pre-xmas trip to the real christmas markets. A lot of beers and mulled wine were drunk, not to mention the duty-free whisky I took over! Was only over for 4 nights, we spent 3 of these in the Heidelberg area and one in Stuttgart. As mentioned, was much milder than I had imagined, was dressed for bitter winter conditions, but I even saw people in shorts. Had a couple of nice meals in restaurant/pubs, the flammkuchen in Stuttgart was a particular favourite. It was a place I went a lot to in my past, and always worth a visit.

Had today off, am back for a short shift tomorrow, have New Year's day off but that's it, will need the 1st off if last year's celebrations in the Auld Hoose are anything to go by. I hopefully won't do the loony dook on the 1st..but who involves swimming in the Firth of Forth and it's freezing.

My car needed a new tyre, but otherwise it's running well. Hope it continues to do so as I've not a lot of time off in January. Here are a few photos; Me in Stuttgart in front of xmas tree, the grave of Nazi architect Albert Speer, Bea above Heidelberg, and the old geezers in loud shirts (toned the colour down to make it more tasteful).

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Promoted weather watcher

I got the job I went for at work, so I guess I'm a kind of supervisor now, though I'll have to work more hours. Work is a bit chaotic at the moment due to a new booking system, so I've that to look forward to this coming week. Still, I'm off for a week in a couple of weeks and I'm heading abroad so that will be nice I hope,

November hasn't been too exciting, it never is, though at least I managed 3 gym visits. Last visit was on Friday when I ran 5k, did some machines, then came home and walked along the coast to a pub in Kirkcaldy. A very health conscious day, well it was if you ignore the 7 or 8 beers I drank.

Christmas is almost upon us, was through in Edinburgh a week ago for the opening night of the European market there, was expensive as always, but worth a visit i suppose. Even spent the night through there in a guest house and headed back into Edinburgh city centre on the Saturday morning too. Visited a medical exhibit museum before heading home.

Weather has turned colder and I saw some snow falling today, I hope it doesn't fall overnight as I have an early start and don't fancy my chances of getting out of my car park should there be any snow. Looked into the pub about lunchtime today, but otherwise I haven't done much, have the Sunday blues and not looking forward to the chaos at work tomorrow.

Here are photos from Edinburgh and my first ever postcard from Noth Korea..

Until December

Friday, October 30, 2015

Weary limbed Linlithgow wanderer

Been off today because I'm working tomorrow, might have mentioned it before but I hate working Saturdays, still it might be the last one this year if things go my way. After work tomorrow we shall be going on a spooky walk around Kinghorn in aid of the RNLI, been going on these walks for a number of years now, it's good fun, lets hope it isn't raining!

The month has seen the days getting shorter and shorter, cut the grass for the last time this year a few days ago, and the temperature drop, however there were a few sunny days to be sure.

Earlier this month I attended the busiest funeral I have ever attended, didn't even get near a seat, the tragic nature of Steven's death, and the fact he was very popular, meant it was probably one of the biggest  Kirkcaldy crematorium has ever seen, lets hope I don't have to attend that place again in a long while.

Things have been a bit strange at work, the new owners want to make changes, meaning at least one of my colleagues had to leave. We will be getting new shift patterns in the new year and was in an interview yesterday for a more elevated position, am happy still to have a job so whether I get the more senoir position dosn't concern me too much.

No running this month I'm afraid, but I did manage a long walk from Linlithgow to Queensferry along the John Muir Way, a trek of 15 miles. I can't even remember being in Linlithgow before, though I must have been, the palace there was the bithplace of Mary Queen of Scots, and is well worth a visit, also Blackness Castle looks lovely on the Firth of Forth. I was lucky with the weather, but was bloody knackered when I arrived at the Ferry Tap in South Queensferry for a well earned burger and pint.

Here are a few photos showing a sunny October day on Kinghorn beach, Linlithgow Palace, Blackness Castle, and underneath the new forth bridge that is due to open next year! Oh, was through in Edinburgh yet again this month, we had visitors from Potsdam, yes I visited many of my favourite pubs and discovered the most amazing sour beer in Ushers too..yum yum.  Canne wait until the christmas markets now, bring it on!

Oh, and the joys of Gumtree! I put a post about my smaller sofa on and within about 5 minutes someone had contacted me to buy it, should have asked for more! Oh the hassle of getting it out the flat!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Punk Glaswegian adventure

Crivens, it's almost October already, the nights are fair drawing in, leaving work in darkness now when on backshift, a cold winter is predicted..brrrr

Only been back at work a couple of days, had last week off, so went to Glasgow with German visitor Oliver for a fun-filled couple of days or so. We started at a Public Image Ltd concert at the O2 ABC on Sauchiehall Street, very good too, old Mr Rotten was in good form and most PIL classics were played, new album stuff was good too.  We visited various other places too over that weekend; Glasgow Green, People's Palace, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the Botanic Gardens...and several Glaswegian craft beer pubs!! In fact we visited 7 of the top 10 craft beer pubs, plus one or two other pubs (including the rebuilt Clutha Bar). The West Brewery pub near Glasgow Green was very good, sells German-style beer brewed in the same building, while there a generous chap offered us free tickets to Celtic's home game against Dundee, so off we went to Celtic Park too! Having saved money on the entrance cost, Oliver treated himself to a retro Celtic top.  We did a lot of walking all over the place, so it was a successful trip.

Of course, we also went for a refreshment or two in Edinburgh too, the usual haunts for me, though he hadn't been in most, think he liked Ushers the best, but the Potting Shed and the Hanging Bat were also excellent again.

It was not all fun and games this month though, was lazy and a bit down for most of the month, didn't keep my exercise discipline at all- went for a long run today in a not very impressive time, will hopefully get up and go early tomorrow too, but really it is too little, too late.

Was a very sad month too, with Steven Wylie losing his life in an accident at his farm, he was a great person, a real tragedy :-(

Here are a few photos; one of George Square, an Elephant in the Kelvingrove Museum, a cheeky Squirrel in the Botanic Gardens, and Oliver at the football game.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Cultural intentions

Last day of August, seems quite a nice day too, though the summer has been crap mostly. Shame I have to work later on today, but cut the grass for the second time this month already. First time two weeks ago I even painted the shed, oh the amazingly exciting life I lead!

Still, have been to Edinburgh twice this month, the festival is on, first time we took in a show, a murder mystery thing. We met up with our companions in the Potting Shed, after the show we headed to Ushers..then the Brauhaus in Tollcross. The other visit to Edinburgh was on Friday, went with all good intentions to catch this show or that, started with a wee drinkie in the Guildford Arms, then we decided to check out the Cumberland, oh we thought, we could go to the Cambridge Bar on our way to a show, then it was a wee pint in the Oxford Bar, then the Bow Bar in the Grassmarket..before I knew it we had had a pizza and were having one for the road in the Hanging Bat, so much for my cultural intentions! To quote Burns "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gley".

Work has been going ok, things are getting a bit quieter now that the main season is over. Did an all day shift last Wednesday, but then had 3 days off so I can't complain. Got one more Sunday shift this year to do, so things are looking up. Have a week off from about the middle of September, am heading to Glasgow (yeah, a rare visit to the Weeg!) to go to a concert, Oliver will be coming with me, so we'll spend a couple of nights through there.

Only managed one proper run this month, as well as one gym visit. Well, felt under the weather for a couple of weeks, a case of bad man flu according to colleagues, but feeling a bit better now. Just feel I need a holiday, indeed I did book a flight but that's not until December. Maybe I can get away for a few days in October, have a week off then too.

Fell out with a neighbour again this month, the same old thing, seagull feeding, so the creatures are begging for food from the early hours onward. I posted a masterpiece through her door and she's avoided me since. I mean if you want to feed the flying rats, go do it somewhere else. The wall of the car park remains a concern, we will all have thousands to pay, got an invoice from the council too, but I am disputing it, so we'll see what happens.

Kath has got herself another dog, a wee thing called Shadow, how she copes with full time job, 3 kids, and now 2 dogs, is anyone's guess. Haven't taken new dog a walk yet, but no doubt I will soon.
Oh, I visited old colleague Kathrin in hospital, she's in a bad way and hope she recovers well from the serious illness she has, puts things in perspective so it does.

Here are photos of Shadow, of a rare glorious day in Kinghorn, and my car park with a couple of scrounging seagulls. Until September!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Gorgeous damp bitch

Not been a nice month for weather, that's for sure. Almost feels like summer didn't really arrive at all. They may have had nice weather down south for Wimbledon, but the Open at St Andrews was affected by the wind and rain that never seemed to leave Fife for long.

The month though was dominated by my doggie niece Ember, I looked after her at mine for about 3 weeks as Kath was over in France. Oh the fun we had going out in the pouring rain and howling wind, oh the gorgeous mornings walking for miles rather than staying in my bed..I liked it to be honest, gave me some discipline, and this is a nice place to be a dog owner, because the coastal path and various beaches are nearby. Almost every walk however the dog insisted on swimming in the sea, arriving wet back at the flat and insisting on a rub down with a towel- no joke. Once I forgot the towel and she tried to dry herself with it! Managed 3 walks along to Aberdour with her- the Cedar Inn has reopened so that was our first port of call, then got train back.

Been working most days this month too, did a long 9-8 shift yesterday, but have today off. I've been getting things done today to be honest, cut the grass for the first time in 4 weeks, put a washing on, did the washing up, my plans to hoover have been ditched however, I just canne be bothered. I've worked back the hours that I owe the company now, but will still do a couple of long shifts to accrue an extra holiday or two. Talking of holiday, I've even booked a flight for December, the christmas markets in Germany are beckoning me.

Not done much travelling this month, obviously no runs either because of the dog, did go to Edinburgh for a few craft ales last weekend though. Started in the Guildford Arms, then Taproom, then Potting Shed, Ushers, then a german beer in the Brauhaus.

Hope August has better weather as I've a couple of long weekends next month. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hanging crafty bridge

Wimbledon has started and July is almost upon us, I do like July, not only Wimbledon, the Open golf is on too, and this year it's in St Andrews. Unfortunately I will not be going personally to the Open - my mum certainly would have wanted to had she been here- but, I'll be glued to the TV for sure, the second last time it will be on free TV, a total disgrace if you ask me.

The month has been quite pleasant actually, though only 7 days of it were work-free. On at least a couple of occassions I went in extra to work hours back - something I hate, but I've almost paid all hours back now. I'm better off than some who still have dozens to pay back before the end of the year. The working back of hours is the worst thing about my present job, though it does mean there is more time off to be had in the gorgeously sunny months (in Oz maybe..) of October, November and December.

With not a lot of time off I did not do a lot of exciting things, went running only three times- two long ones in reasonable times- and made one visit to the gym. Things are sure to pick up as I actually seem to like running, it's just that my private race track along to Kirkcaldy seems to have too many people and dogs on it if I go during the day, hence I like to go early in the morning- but not if I start early, cos I don't want to be knackered at work. I've an excuse for everything I suppose, even the tides have been against my runs to the Black Rock this month!

Work is going ok, the work/life balance is not bad. I like forgetting everything when away from work, and I'm quite successful doing it. Haven't seen much of my family this month, though did see brother-in-law John and spoke to my sister Kath. They are off to France on Friday so the gorgeous Ember shall be coming back to mine for a few days, enjoyed having her here at xmas so I did, though it says something about your home when you have to tidy for a dog arriving!. Shame I don't have all the days off, but there you go.

Was in Edinburgh at the weekend with Trix- my only complete weekend off this month- did a craft beer pub crawl starting in Holyrood 9a, then it was on to the Potting Shed, then Ushers, the Brauhaus, then the Hanging Bat where Gordon and Annie met us, my memories are vague at that stage though, some of those craft beers are deadly! Woke up back home thank god!

During the only walk, rather than run, I did to Kirkcaldy this month, I decided to explore about a bit, I saw a photo on a kinghorn facebook forum that reminded me that 30 years or so there was at least one bridge between Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn..well I found one of the bridges, still in excellent condition- the path is in a completely different position now. Good place for barbecueing should the weather remain good!

Sunday, May 17, 2015


After having a few logging in problems, probably related to a bottle of lovely Glenfarclas that I bought on a ferry to Holland, everything now seems ok.

The month started in Portugal where the weather didn't start of too great, but things got warmer and warmer as the week went on. Managed a trip to Gibraltar, but the coach trip there and back was a bit of a disaster, took bloody ages so it did. Other than that trip, didn't do much, just spent lazy days walking about, drinking cold beer and even swimming in the ocean, was cold but the secret is just to rush in.

Arrived home on a Sunday, then next day it was down to Newcastle for the overnight ferry to Holland got the trip free through work and the ferry was very nice, plenty to do on board, cabin was nice and there were bargains to be had in the duty free! Arrived Tuesday morning on the continent and then it was only a short drive to the destination. Spent 4 nights there, one alone as you know who was away collecting stuff in the car in Germany. Nice theme park there too, very popular with families. Missed the election while over there so that was good!

Been back at work now for a week and a bit, it's as if i've never been away, Tomorrow I am doing a long shift, but I have Friday, Sat and Sunday off, so can't complain.

Not been running for about a month now, how lazy is that? Well, there will be more opportunity now the weather is getting better.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Electoral dysfunction

Still a week to go of this month, weather has been really nice on the Fife coast, though the weekend looks less warm, not that I'll care as I'll be off on the first of two trips - with just a night at home inbetween- on Saturday.

A bit of sunshine is needed so am off to the same place I was almost exactly 2 years ago, not long after my mum passed away. Going to somewhere you know does have advantages and you know mostly what to expect. Hence I update now rather than later.

Will be glad to be away when the election takes place, the rise of the SNP is everywhere to be seen, is similar to rise of fascism in the past- if you're against, you're not "Scottish" according to the uneducated SNP voter base. I was offered a mini-saltire (scottish flag) by some activists today- as if they owned the flag! - I have voted SNP in the past, but will certainly not be doing so again, am a unionist at heart after all,  the lacklustre "No" campaign last year has a lot to answer for.  

This month I have done 4 runs, two of them of the longer variety to Seafield harbour and back, at least I'm in a lazy routine, I don't want to be obsessed, just do enough to keep reasonably fit. No gym visits, but the weather has been too good recently. Cut the grass a couple of hours ago, second time this month, I say "grass" but it's mostly weeds and moss!

Had a bit of drama last weekend taking Bea to hospital after she was in bad pain, spent Sunday all day in hospital,  actually she got out Monday and is enjoying  a few days off before her holidays start..

I actually got round to ordering some beers online this month, it's been a while. I ordered a mixed case of all my old favourites, with a couple of newbies thrown in.

So, am off to work tomorrow, then jetting off for a few days before coming back for a night, then Europe by ferry for a few days.. will see how things go.

Sad news yesterday, old Jimmy from the Auld Hoose has passed away, a character indeed.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Walking gappy critic

Started things off by walking Dalmeny into Edinburgh along a stretch of the John Muir Way, took a bit longer than I'd expected, went passed Dalmeny House, then passed many a mansion in rich areas of the capital, I believe JK Rowling owned one of them, before succumbing to hunger and thirst and heading to the nearest pub. Ended up getting a bus to the centre and extravagantly spending almost £50 on a bottle of malt I hardly needed..still, it was a nice one.

The following weekend my front tooth fell out, it felt a bit loose at work on the Friday, then it fell out in the Auld Hoose later that evening - direct into a pint of London Pride. Had to wait until Monday afternoon to get it put back in, alas this can happen to anyone with crowns and it would have been worse had ai swallowed it! Have not been biting into any apples- or similar- since then.

My fitness regime continues, though to be honest I'm a lazy bastard, I mean 3 runs this month, one gym visit and a couple of long walks aren't a lot. Still the latest walk was quite nice, along the coast to Dysart and back..well I say nice, the walk was, but Dysart is a bit of an eyesore. Yes, my opinionated criticism of modern architecture continues, just how some buildings got planning permission I just don't know, the whole planning department could be replaced by the monkeys at Edinburgh Zoo, they couldn't do any worse.

Am on backshift this week so will be leaving for work soon, I knew I'd forget this later so I speedily update now. I really feel I need a bit of sunshine, only a few weeks to go until a couple of trips one directly after the other, canne wait.

 Here is a photo of me in front of Dalmeny House, the slipway where, in olden days, ships used to be launched at Kinghorn (had to clamber over rocks for this one), now it's a caravan park not far from where I stay, the last photo is Seafield Tower, I sometimes like to run along the coast to here, then back..the return part is draining as there is a long uphill stretch.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Unlimited tired vulcan mourner

The month may still have a day to go, but I'll update now because tomorrow may involve a lot of walking, and I might be too tired to update. Then again, I'm tired now, bloody knackered. Was in the gym a couple of hours ago, then had a couple of pints in the local before heading home to some nice fish I bought earlier today. Am now partaking of a rather ordinary cabernet sauvignon while listening to old 80s hits.

February may be the shortest month, but it has lasted seemingly ages, kept my discipline to an extent by going 3 major runs, also took Ember the dog from here along to the Hillend Tavern, maybe about 10 miles, maybe less. Anyway, am doing at least a little bit to keep fit. Plan a long walk tomorrow, a part of the John Muir Way into Edinburgh, we'll see.

Have been trying to save a bit of money by changing gas/electric company, also now have unlimited internet, about time, got a quite good deal on it considering my area doesn't yet get the very best deals. Well, saving money won't be what I remember from this month, rather I'll remember all the money I paid for a wee holiday in the sun, well it's good to have something to look forward to. Still a couple of months to go until then though. Someone at work is going to be in the same resort at the same time! A coincidence, let's see if we manage to avoid each other ha ha. I also plan a wee trip to Holland via ferry for a couple of days directly afterward, I hopefully can get that one bankrolled by work, I hope so anyway.

Talking of money, the car park at my bit needs serious work done, and I could be facing a 2K bill or more, in fact all 11 households here will face this, just had a lively discussion with a neighbour about this, my legal obligation is unclear so this is a complication I can live without. My father should have no worries though as 140 has been sold, my childhood home gone forever.

Just heard Spock has died, I know someone who is devastated by this news, is sad, but actors I always think live on forever, they themselves may be dead, but they live on through their work in a way ordinary mortals don't. As for my films this month? I have been working my way steadily through my Columbo collection starring the late Peter Falk, am already on season 9, excellent stuff. Soon I can start on Starsky and Hutch and Wonder Woman...70s timewarp I know..that's me though.

Here are a few photos taken this month. Two are from a walk with Ember to Hillend, one is a Monkey Puzzle tree in Burntisland that unfortunately will have to be felled soon, I remember it well from my childhood (seems trees and Burntisland don't mix these days) but this time a criminal isn't responsible.. the other photo is from the 3 Bridges in South Queensferry, they recently changed their name from the 2 Bridges, for obvious reasons... until next time peeps.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Lazy holiday dreamer

I would like to say I had many adventures this month, but Januarys are rarely like that, are they? Well, for me they are, though as a student I sometimes went on holiday in January as the term didn't start until February..those were the days, not that I'm sentimental about those days, nor about most things these days, it's most unlike me.

It was my birthday yesterday, was low key, was at work until 4 then came home via Aldi (for whisky obviously) then went to the pub for a pint before enjoying a fillet steak with Bea in The Ship. I normally state how ancient I feel, but perhaps I should view things differently, afterall a hundred years ago I could have been in the trenches of the First World War so you've got to put things in perspective.

Have been letting my fitness regime get lax this month, one run and one gym visit (two days ago) that exhausted me completely. I really have to get myself into more of a routine, but in my defence it has been cold recently. Have today off, but am working overtime Saturday and Sunday. I think a proper weekend is called for, this day off here and there without two days in a row is a royal pain in the ass. Talking of weather it always seems when I've decided to have a lazy day, doing washing, tidying, surfing etc, that the sun decides to come out and shine directly into my eyes, so I always have to close the blinds on a nice day.

Wathched a few classic movies this month - Rebecca (1940), The Awful Truth (1937), Goodfellas (1990) , David Copperfield (1935) spring to mind, but there were probably more, I do enjoy my film mornings if I have a back shift, so maybe I'll be watching more next week. Might even watch an old Cary Grant film right now..

Anything else this month will be remembered for? Not really, my mind turns slowly to holidays, my planned week off in March looks unlikely now as Bea cannot get time off, might have to wait to April-May, though hopefully a few long weekends will happen soon. I quite fancy the highlnds once the snow goes.  Did not take any photos this month- until yesterday, when out on my birthday night, here is one of me in the Auld Hoose...a photo I also posted to Facebook to thank those who took the time to send me birthday wishes, until next month!