Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Round the rugged rock..

..the ragged rascal ran..and indeed I'm just back in after running to the Black Rock and back. Have done this now 3 times this month and my times are gradually improving, can only be done when the tide is out, I wouldn't fancy swimming in the freezing Firth of Forth!

Well the month of May is almost over already, has been not bad, went for a week trip to Germany and visited many places - Heidelberg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Cottbus, Berlin etc - so one or two days were mostly driving, but was an enjoyable break from the usual routine. The weather was good too, but then I almost always take the good weather with me. Shame the time went so quick, before I knew it I was back at my desk in Dunfermline.

Work is going ok, things are getting busier and I will be doing my last shift until 9pm today, almost all hours I owed the company are paid back, so things are looking up. I don't need to think about work when I'm not there so in that respect it's good. My mind is already wandering to future adventures, have a week off in September and October and plans are afoot for a long walk with one or other of my old German friends, the actual walk is still to be decided but is likely to be in September, around the time of the independence referendum.  Will be glad to see the back of all this referendum crap, the "yes" campaigners were out in force in my wee town (and many others) in the last week or two (what part of "sod off, I'm voting No" do they not understand?). Posters and leaflets from both sides are everywhere too, Goebbels would be impressed, and you can't turn the TV on without the debate raging on, roll on September when it will all be over, hopefully.

On a more positive note the World Cup is soon to start and am looking forward to that, am hoping an underdog will win it, but feel Brazil are hot favourites, I mean which referee would be brave enough to give a penalty against the host nation in the 89th minute? At least it's being played in a football nation and not some middle eastern desert that has no football tradition at all! Sepp Blatter is the Robert Mugabe of the sport and, like Mugabe, is allowed to stay in power despite all the corruption, rant over.

Another piece of good news is the fact that another Bavarian Beer Festival is to be held in Kirkcaldy in August,  was good last time and I still have my silly Bavarian hat to wear, think I'll give the lederhosen morphsuit a miss though..we'll see!

Would have been my mum's birthday today, wonder what she would have thought of my father's plans to sell the house? In a way I see his point, but it will still be sad to see the house I grew up in sold, we'll see what happens over the next month or two.  Here are two pictures from Stuttgart and one with Oli and Clemens in Mannheim.