Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Mulled wine drinking Ember host

Had quite a few days off this month, but I didn't do any running, instead I did a lot of walking with Ember the dog. Ember was left in my tender care for 8 days over Christmas and she was fine, she especially loved running into the sea, so quite often she returned from walks soaking wet.. she also loved mud..the flat is still recovering from her visit. She is a real cutey for sure and made herself at home while here.

Managed a trip a week before xmas to Berlin too, three of the nights were spent in the H2 hotel near Alexander Platz, was a nice place I have to say. Did a lot of the traditional mulled wine drinking at the various christmas markets, visited the GDR museum, also went to Potsdam to visit one of my favourite pubs, ended up playing darts there for most of the evening.

Won a bottle of white wine and a bottle of port (that I hardly drink) in the pub raffle on the 25th, then it was off along the road to Fay and Richard's place for a great meal, obviously the dog came too and unselfishly did some business on the host's carpet ha ha. After the meal we played some funny card game from Germany, was good and memories of leaving are a bit hazy, though I must have been down beach with dog afterward judging by the sand all over carpet.

It's Hogmanay tonight and the plan is to meet up in the local pub and have a few drinkies. Left work at 12 today and thought I'd look into a supermarket for a bottle of champagne or similar, was unbelievably busy though! Never seen it so manic, it's not as if the shops won't be open tomorrow..oh well, come on 2015 let's be having you.

Have a great new year!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Stunning cleavage...

Just back from Edinburgh, went there yesterday to meet up with Richard and Fay, and Annie and Gordon. Was a good afternoon and night, had pizza in Grassmarket before hitting the pubs, spent the night in Edinburgh Colinton (with A & G)

before heading back into the centre today for mulled wine drinking duties at the xmas market there.

Polished off the weekend by having a pint in the Auld Hoose, was a nice, but expensive, weekend. Didn't start xmas shopping, I don't have a lot of people to buy presents for but I got a couple of ideas while looking in on the shops today.

Didn't do too much out of the ordinary this month, work has been quiet, had a few days off, but plans to do a major clean up of the flat did not materialise. New car is going well but I need to clean it more often, the way I drive to work, using roads that tractors use, is sure making the paintwork and wheels muddy.  Went running along the coast only 3 times this month, twice this week though, it's better when my shifts start in the afternoon, I don't want to be going running in the dark hours of the morning then go to work for a 9am start, too lazy for that!

Here a few photos taken over the last few days - actually all but one taken yesterday. Gordon posing next to the best cleavage in Edinburgh is a nice one..that was the Brauhaus in Tollcross, one of many establishments we visited yesterday evening..! The other photos were taken in the Blue Blazer, the Hanging Bat, and the xmas market.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Have been experiencing a financial holocaust since my trip to the Highlands, I already told you the main points, however more work was needed to get my Suzuki through the MOT, been throwing good money after bad. So I got myself a new car, a 2014 model, should do me for a few years as it's covered by warranty for many years. I love the thing, I can plug a stick into the USB and off I go listening to my entire music collection, certainly a step up from the cars I've had up until now.

Went down to Devon in south west England last week, flew down to Exeter and hired a car, was good to rediscover the area. Even visited Agatha Chritie's house, very interesting. The ales also tasted good, especially Jail Ale. Holidays go very quickly however so before I was back at work before I knew it.

I thought I'd done loads this month, I probably have, but I cannot think of much just now. My early morning runs continue, although not very many this month. I prefer back shifts (starting 2pm or so) rather than 9am starts now, but shifts will change each week as before next year.

Has been an expensive month but this happens from time to time, looking forward to the Spooky Walk (in aid of the RNLI) through Kinghorn tomorrow night, it's now a tradition for me.

Here are photos of my new car (blurred I'm afraid), a steamer going down the river Dart, a statue of King Billy in Brixham (where he arrived in England in 1688, why the Ulster rather than English flag?) and Agatha Christie's house at Greenway. Agatha's house was great, a few of her novels are set in the area. Saw a lot more of course, maybe I'll update you later, until November!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Relieved Island hopper

Well, that's September almost over, a month of mostly nice weather, happy and stressful days and a wee holiday.  Of course the referendum was a major part of this month (and endless months before), but at last it's over. The No campaign rescued itself in the last few days, but the Yes side getting 45% tells it's own story. The legacy is a divided nation, but maybe things will improve over time. Hopefully there won't be another one any time soon. Saw someone posting that only Yes voters can now song "flower of Scotland", so that's another good reason for a No vote as lyrics are backward looking and the tune sucks, anyway enough politics!

Was on a wee holiday up north to Oban, Mull, Iona, Staffa, Kerrara, Glencoe and Kinlochleven. The trip was nice, but disater struck a few miles from Crianlarich when the engine overheated and almost caught fire (car had been serviced two days previously) so we continued our journey to Oban by train as the car went into a local garage.

Oban was nice, visited the distillery etc, took a boat to Kerrara for a few hours walking on a gorgeous sunny day. Next day we took ferry to Mull, stayed in a place near to Tobermory and explored by bus. Next stop was the tiny Isle of Staffa and Fingal's cave, almost missed the boat back from here, then onto Iona and back to Mull. After collecting my car and paying a massive bill - and the car isn't even totally fixed- we went on to Kinlochleven for the night. Travelled to Glencoe, Crieff and the Hermitage waterfall on the way home. All in all a good trip, but I am licking my financial wounds for sure! Then I get a note from neighbours that they've arranged a painter for outside of building, another £300.. what's money for, eh?

Anyway my travel companions have now departed and things are back to normal, am on backshift today so will have to set off for work any second, here are a few photos..showing Gylen Castle on Kerrera, Dervaig (I was 6 when I was last here) on Mull, the Isle of Staffa, and waterfall at Hermitage, a couple of scallywags can be seen on this one.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bye bye 140 and tree

Writing this one in a bit of a rush as I'm working today and am sure to forget later on when I return. August is now almost over, a month that was not quite as warm as July and the nights are already seeming to get darker quicker. Aye, the nights are fair drawing in so they are.

I'll remember this month for the last visit I made to my childhood home, it's up for sale now so I went along and took a couple of last photos of the place. Coincidentally, this was on the same day that the tree opposite had to be removed (after about 130 years) due to the criminal damage inflicted on it. Already the criminal responsible has an application for shoddy flats in, and the council planning department have stated that the application cannot by refused solely because of the "unauthorised works" carried out! The smell of corruption is in the air, we'll see how things go.

Been busy in the garden this month, got a few quotes for reroofing my shed, then decided to do the job myself. It took an hour or two and the result, though not brilliant, is decent and should hopefully do the job for a while. Was also up a ladder cutting ivy that is again threatening to attach itself to my roof, again the job halted the ivy's progress rather than solved the issue.

Went out running 5 times this month, the usual route along the coast, it's quite a challenge as coming back has a lot of uphill stretches, sometimes I'm going into work, when on backshifts, totally knackered.  Still, I intend carrying on with this, maybe I should run 2 0r 3 times a week, a plan that is unlikely to happen.

Had an appointment with a financial advisor this month too, discussing the future and how much you should save is very depressing to be honest, no wonder many people just put their heads in the sand! I mean we don't even know what currency we'll be using..that brings me on to the referendum..

Not long now and I'll be glad when it's over, provided the result is right. The activists from the Waffen Yes Yes were on the streets of Kinghorn yesterday and probably didn't receive as warm a welcome than in some other areas. The local pub is solidly No, so not too many arguments there. Can only hope people do not gamble with the future, anyway how can you be "independent" when you want to keep the currency and therefore keep fiscal poicy in the hands of a then foreign government? How can any country in the EU be "independent" when half the laws come from Brussels? Oh, don't get me started..bye for now!

Here a few pics, one featuring Ember the dog on a walk to Aberdour. Oh, was also at the Bavarian beer festival in Kirkcaldy a couple of times last week, great beer!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lonely old clock

Alas my favourite month is almost finished, the World Cup (hurrah, the Argies lost), Wimbledon, the Open championship are all over, with only a day or two left of the Commonwealth Games, that I haven't been following to be honest.

Statistically this month I have been on five runs along the coast, twice to the gym, once to the pool and the dentist, and have cut the grass for the second time today, exciting stuff eh? I have not calculated the times I've been to the work or the pub, but one only narrowly beats the other. This warm weather is to blame, you start off the day with good intentions, but the heat and humidity had me seeking cold refreshment on more than a few occassions. Maybe I'll head to the pub now actually, have tomorrow and Saturday off afterall and the heat in this flat is unbearable- yeah, windows are open. Still, I'll look back and dream of days like this in a month or two!

Was along at my parent's place in Burntisland today, a hallow shell now, uninhabited and no furniture in it, with one exception, a grandfather clock that I've not been able to sell yet. The house is to be placed on the market any day now, so I thought I'd go along and take photos and make a video. Was also shopping in Kirkcaldy and bought many tins of German lentil soup, it's one of the things, other than the beer, that I miss most about Germany. Booked flights to south west England the other night, plan on hiring a car and doing a wee tour of Devon and Cornwall in autumn, not been there since I've been 12 so it's about time. No other trips planned, but I'll be walking for a week in September and have another week off in mid December and I might go abroad then.

Bloody bluebottle is now annoyingly flying about, how come they can find the narrowest way into a room but cannot find the widest exit? Ok peeps, until August, have a cold beer waiting for me!

Here a couple of photos- of a lovely rainbow over Kinghorn, one of the garden of the house I grew up in, and one of the clock (if you want to buy it, let me know!)

PS 30 years tomorrow since I passed my driving test,  I was a talented child and started primary school next day..

Monday, June 30, 2014

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Last day of June already, a month of good and bad.

Started the month over in Edinburgh at the hospital sleep clinic, they wire you up to machines then expect you to hget a normal nicht's sleep. Well, I did sleep a bit as I had a slight hangover from the previous evening but as for results, haven't had any, I guess no news is good news.

Weather has been quite good so took the opportunity for a wee walk along the coast to Crail, then on to St Andrews by bus, was a glorious day and we discovered the new St Andrews brew pub which was nice. Strange place St Andrews, very historical and nice, famous university, but spending 3-4 years as a student there? Wouldn't be too much to do if you don't play golf.

Have continued my running adventures too, last couple of weeks I ran along the coast to Kirkcaldy rather than getting wet feet at the Black Rock. Have no plans to run a marathon, I barely manage doing 40 minutes at the moment, still at least I'm getting exercise. Am also getting exercise clearing my father's house (he now has a smaller one), there are still some items that will be difficult, like an ancient grandfather clock that I inherited from my grandfather. Was even over in Edinburgh at weekend getting an old stamp album from the 1920s valued, unfortunately it will not make me money though. My wee flat has even more stuff in it than normal now, a lot of old family photos etc. Maybe at some point I can get stuff scanned.

One of the negative things happened opposite my parent's house in Burntisland, the ancient tree there has been under threat from a scumbag developer for years, having had no success going the legal route he took a chainsaw to it and damaged it irreversibly (there are photos of him doing it), at time of writing this the tree still stands , but will have to come down due to safety concerns, the end of the tree's 130 years or so. The bastard has been charged, but the tree is sadly doomed. So should he be.
My car also conked out on Wednesday on way to work, the front suspension arm broke, due to corrosion, and I blocked a lane of a busy road in Crossgates, still as the mechanic said, had I been doing 70 on motorway I could have been a goner.

Right, am off to watch the world cup games, until July

Here a few photos from this month, two from a nice day, the other two of not so good days.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Round the rugged rock..

..the ragged rascal ran..and indeed I'm just back in after running to the Black Rock and back. Have done this now 3 times this month and my times are gradually improving, can only be done when the tide is out, I wouldn't fancy swimming in the freezing Firth of Forth!

Well the month of May is almost over already, has been not bad, went for a week trip to Germany and visited many places - Heidelberg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Cottbus, Berlin etc - so one or two days were mostly driving, but was an enjoyable break from the usual routine. The weather was good too, but then I almost always take the good weather with me. Shame the time went so quick, before I knew it I was back at my desk in Dunfermline.

Work is going ok, things are getting busier and I will be doing my last shift until 9pm today, almost all hours I owed the company are paid back, so things are looking up. I don't need to think about work when I'm not there so in that respect it's good. My mind is already wandering to future adventures, have a week off in September and October and plans are afoot for a long walk with one or other of my old German friends, the actual walk is still to be decided but is likely to be in September, around the time of the independence referendum.  Will be glad to see the back of all this referendum crap, the "yes" campaigners were out in force in my wee town (and many others) in the last week or two (what part of "sod off, I'm voting No" do they not understand?). Posters and leaflets from both sides are everywhere too, Goebbels would be impressed, and you can't turn the TV on without the debate raging on, roll on September when it will all be over, hopefully.

On a more positive note the World Cup is soon to start and am looking forward to that, am hoping an underdog will win it, but feel Brazil are hot favourites, I mean which referee would be brave enough to give a penalty against the host nation in the 89th minute? At least it's being played in a football nation and not some middle eastern desert that has no football tradition at all! Sepp Blatter is the Robert Mugabe of the sport and, like Mugabe, is allowed to stay in power despite all the corruption, rant over.

Another piece of good news is the fact that another Bavarian Beer Festival is to be held in Kirkcaldy in August,  was good last time and I still have my silly Bavarian hat to wear, think I'll give the lederhosen morphsuit a miss though..we'll see!

Would have been my mum's birthday today, wonder what she would have thought of my father's plans to sell the house? In a way I see his point, but it will still be sad to see the house I grew up in sold, we'll see what happens over the next month or two.  Here are two pictures from Stuttgart and one with Oli and Clemens in Mannheim.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ladder-climbing trimmer

It's foggy as hell here today, but then yesterday started the same and turned out glorious, shame I had to go to work in the afternoon. This week I start late and finish late, it does have the advantage that I don't have to get up early though. Been trying to get things done these mornings but generally I continue watching classic movies, recently I watched, among others, Kes, the Titfield Thunderbolt and Cast Away.

Have not been too lazy though, have been to the gym 3 times this month, which is good going for me! Also was walking on Saturday from Queensferry to Aberdour, my original plan to walk all the way to Kinghorn was hijacked by a few ales in the Cedar Inn. Even got my hair cut during this walk - a place in Inverkeithing I've used a couple of times before. Ended up getting train back here and going for a couple in the Auld Hoose. So that was my exercise.

Plan on another gym visit, probably early on Friday before work. Looking forward to a week off next week, so burning a few calories beforehand might be a good idea. Fear not, dear reader, I shall let you know how my trip went in my next update.

Have also been up a long ladder cutting the ivy back this month, the ivy just grows and grows, and was touching my flat, so I decided to borrow a ladder from Rob in the pub and up I went. Going up is one thing, cutting the bloody ivy with garden shears while not falling off ladder is another! Still, I was moderately successful, will need to trim it again soon though. Even managed to cut grass twice this month, there wasn't even much cat crap either.

Here a couple of photos of this month's exciting adventures, well actually one is of the ruins of St Bridgit's Kirk on the walk to Aberdour, another of a sunny day this month, another of the ivy (from above) and a new erection my neighbours have put up. Their garden is a bit small for it in my opinion.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Lakeland wanderer

My hours at work changed toward the beginning of the month, so I have slightly more free time, or at least I will once I've worked the hours back that I owe. Am starting at 2pm today, so had time to do stuff..only I didn't, watched a film "The inn of sixth happiness" and it went well over 2 hours. Have been watching a lot of classic films in recent times "Laura" and "Gaslight" being two examples and both were excellent. Oh, they don't make them like they used to for sure!

Went for a week down to Ulverston in the Lake District a couple of weeks ago, the weather was surprisingly mostly excellent and the flat was nice. Walked from Ulverson to Coniston on one of the days, was a long scenic walk and my plan is to do the whole of the Cumbria Way at some time in the future. Also visited other towns in the lakes- Keswick, Windermere, Ambleside and Cockermouth - and drove up the very steep Hard Knot Pass. Found time for a wee day trip to Blackpool too but, unfortunately, it was a misty day so wasn't worthwhile going up the tower.

Ulverston, where we were based, is famous for being the birthplace of Stan Laurel, so visited the Laurel and Hardy Museum, followed by a meal in the Stan Laurel Inn. The other pubs were quite good too, especially the Mill, the Swan, and Old Friends.  Old Friends had a pub quiz which we didn't win, but we met Tommy the Tortoise who kept himself warm by the fire. Actually Tommy is a girl but the owners kept the name, afterall she is about 55 years old and used to it!

The month of April is almost with us, no major plans other than the usual, but hopefully will manage another walk, though will be working on one or two weekends. Here are a few photos: Laurel and Hardy statue, a knackered Alan on the way to Coniston, the house where Stan Laurel was born, and Tommy Tortoise.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sentimental walking hoarder

Have a day off today and the sun is shining into my eyes as I write this, makes a change after all the miserable weather we've been having. Had intended to go to Arrochar and climb/walk up the Cobbler but the forecast was so bad I postponed the idea. Have been walking this month though, a couple of times along to Aberdour, so no massive distance, but will be doing longer stretches in the next few weeks. Also walked along to Kirkcaldy to do some shopping in the new Morrisons supermarket there, then walked back along the coast with my shopping as a picture here shows.

Workwise things are ok, am changing hours soon so will have slightly more free time, so that's good. It's also good that I can forget all about work when I'm not there. Have a week off after next week, will head down to England for relaxation, walking, and a few real ales I'm sure, am in holiday mode already, am ticking the days off until then. Have an appointment at an Edinburgh hospital before then, nothing major, but it's something I could do without.

Been along at my Dad's house a couple of times, he wants a lot of things cleared out, not furniture, just the "junk". He has moved on with his life and has a new romantic interest, good for him. My mum, like me, was a bit of a hoarder, and I don't like to see things thrown out, especially photos and sentimental stuff, so I've loads of  photos etc in the flat now. If I get the scanner working I'll post some of them here.

Not many plans for this weekend as I'm working on Saturday, will no doubt be visiting the Auld Hoose though, it's good having a good pub on your doorstep! Shane they don't sell Schlenkerla smoked wheat beer though, am having that bottle in the picture right now. In the other photo the seals can be seen.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Unfit Ember onesie walker

So January has only a couple of hours to go, it's not a month I'll look back and say "wow, what a month!" about. I had intended doing the Looney Dook on 1 Jan but it was too soon after my hospital visit, I'll do it next year, no excuses.

Been working today, only got in at 8.30, and I'm working tomorrow too,  I work one Saturday in every four, but who knows how things might change at work, would ideally like a mid-week day off now and then so I can do things and maybe even get to the gym again, my work-life balance isn't right at the moment.

I did have yesterday off and walked along to Kirkcaldy but my one real day of exercise was a couple of weeks ago when I took Kath's dog Ember over the Binn, through Burntisland, and on to Aberdour and the dog-friendly Cedar Inn. Felt stiffness in my legs for about a week afterward, so just goes to show how unfit I've become. Things will have to change!

Just had my birthday, an unremarkable day as I was working until 8pm, though I did have a nice Tomatin and Ardbeg in the Auld Hoose, wearing a onesie, when I finished. It's a bit of a cliche but years just whizz by. Plan a bit of hill walking in a week or two, will tell you later. Also planned a couple of wee holidays to Lake District and to europe, it's nice having something to look forward to in these dreich dark days.

Here are photos of me in a onesie on my birthday (looking even fatter than what I am), with Ember above Burntisland, and a badly taken photo with BePo,who kindly bought me a few nice German beers for my birthday, cheers!