Monday, September 30, 2013

Jerry Derry Froggie

Another month almost gone and the last days of reasonably good weather are with us, it's sure to turn dreich and horrible before too long. Been on a couple of trips recently and there's another work-related one to come on Wednesday.

Was over in Germany for a few days at end of last month, hired a car and travelled to quite a few places including Heidelberg, Nuremberg, Potsdam and Berlin (yet again). As always with days off, the time went far too quickly and there was lots of places I'd like to have gone to, but didn't have time for, maybe next time, eh?  No Oktoberfest for me this year though, but did fit in a wee trip to Derry/Londonderry (a city with two names depending on your political position), went over there a couple of days ago and arrived back yesterday so the visit was brief but enjoyable. The weather was excellent too! Went to all the major sites, walked the historic city walls, and even had a couple of pints in the Bogside area, something I might not have done a few years ago.

Next trip is on Wednesday, going to France on a work-related trip, but I suspect serious amounts of eating and drinking will be involved, though I doubt I'll be able to keep up with my travel companions, am almost a pipe and slippers man now and am very rarely out in pubs at night and I can't remember the last time I went clubbing, lets face it the music they play there is crap anyway. Oohh, I am sounding middle-aged!

My budgies are doing fine, they are out of their cage more often than not, but are still a bit wary, only allowing themselves to be touched when tired.  Have today and tomorrow off, then it's France til Friday, so wont see much of the office this week.

Went to the gym for the first time in ages today and I struggled, but at least I didn't fall off the treadmill as I did on my last visit! See you in October!

Photos show me at the Luitpold war memorial, that played a starring role in a certain propaganda film of the distant past, the others are a peace monument, Free Derry Corner in the Bogside, and me guarding old Derry's walls.