Thursday, June 27, 2013

Broken toothed poisoned budgie fan

Almost the end of June, so time for an update. Been at new job for 5 weeks now, things are going ok but I start backshift next week, working until 8pm and I'm not looking forward to it as I'm more of a morning person, still at least I should get more sleep.

Month started off with one of my teeth breaking off when I bit on something hard, went to dentist and I be going back there next week, so I'm not as stunning as I usually am, though it's not a tooth at the very front. The second week of June I felt like hell as I had food poisoning, really I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I won't go into details. I'm sure I get it from a dodgy chicken burger at Wetherspoons in Kirkcaldy so I'll not be rushing back there! I wasn't off work though as I was in training, didn't venture too far from a toilet though! It took about 9 days until I was back to normal, couldn't even enjoy a drink with my ex-colleague Linda who was back in town after 5 years on a brief visit from Australia, next time maybe.

On the same day I was poisoned I bought two Budgies - Robbie (named after a guy from the pub) and Stasi (after Eva Braun's dog..or the East German secret police, take your pick). They are lively wee fellows and demand to fly around the living room at least once a day. The smaller bird simply hates going back into his cage though, or is probably too think to find his way back, unlike the clever Robbie.

Had an eye test done the other day, eyes are fine but my distance sight could be better so have a prescription that I'm hoping Ron from the pub can get me a cheap pair with, we'll see. Plans are afoot for a massive walk on Saturday, probably the Tay Bridge to Newburgh stretch will be attempted, but I don't think there are any pubs before the end of the 17 mile stretch. Guess a wee carry-oot will have to be taken along!