Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stressed sun-seeker

 April almost over and the sun is shining, it seems winter is over for another year. Things are slowly beginning to normalise after the recent stressful few weeks, though it saw another funeral, this time of my Uncle Jim. I hadn't seen my cousins on that side of the family for a long time, then I see them twice within a few weeks, though both occasions were tinged with sadness. 

A couple of weeks ago I escaped to the sun for a few days, was good to recharge the batteries and relax a bit. I normally go abroad about this time and it was a welcome break from what has been an annus horribilis so far. 
The job situation seems clearer, the parent company want to do their own thing without the experience our office provides. Already they can't cope, a disaster looms, and to paraphrase Rhett Butler "frankly I don't give a damn". Have applied for a couple of things and will do more after my next trip, am off to Berlin in a few days, will be good to see the city I remember from my youth, a full 6 months ago! 

Helped out with the Kinghorn beach clean on Sunday and had our picture taken by a press photographer, have scanned the paper these last couple of days but, alas, the picture has not been in it.

Here a couple of photos taken this month, not in Scotland in case you were wondering.. Have been adding photos to blogs for years but I'm finding aligning them more and more difficult. Am becoming less technical in my old age but I'm sure something has been changed..