Thursday, January 31, 2013

No dooking loony

How does the song go again "January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me ,  You make me sad with your eyes ,  You're telling me lies,  Don't go, don't go".  Well it is going to go and tomorrow it will be gone.

Mouth started off in usual fashion, down the beach looking at brave people doing the loony dook  - walking into the icy cold sea wearing silly clothing, most still nursing hangovers from the night before no doubt. I maybe should have put the morphsuit on and joined in, oh well there's always next year!

The month went by quite quickly if truth be told, I very much have a routine, one week mirroring the next. No massive long walks were done but I did manage Inverkeithing to Aberdour if that counts. Should be walking on Saturday however and no doubt a couple of drinkies will be had along at the Railway Inn or similar.

Birthday was on Tuesday, the folk at work got me a Thomas the Tank Engine cake, a beer and a new Foul Fashion shirt. After work I was in the Auld Hoose for a couple of beers and a wee dram, then it was back to the pipe and slippers at home. It is quite incredible to think how quickly time goes, still I'll never be as young as I am today.

Think I should maybe book a trip somewhere as these cold winter nights seem to drag on forever, was speaking to my barber on Monday ( a guy who I've known since I was a boy) and he was telling me about all the places he has visited- and he's been almost everywhere and he has 3 trips booked for this year already, including Monaco for the Grand Prix. Yeah, I need to see a bit more of the world, guess I'll have to get a new passport then.

Anyway, here a couple of photos, one of me on my birthday, the loony dookers, and Tavis havering on about Marxism or similar, see you in February.