Friday, December 28, 2012

Battery weirdness and a happy new year!

That's Xmas come and gone then, but still the new year to go. I've never really been one for celebrating the New Year too much, well maybe I have in liquid terms, but less emotionally if you know what I mean. This Xmas meal was held at my parent's place and Anne and her family were in attendance, no, a conservation-fest it wasn't, though the food was nice.

Today started off in sober fashion with me on my way to my work in Kirkcaldy in my wee car, unusually there was a locked gate on the factory's street, I got out car to try to open it but it was locked, went back to car then found it wouldn't start! Got the AA out, they said battery was goosed, and then I went to garage to get a new one. Strangely, when visiting my parents later, my father had the same problem when I was there, and went to the same garage for the same repair. Weird.

I was at work yesterday and today but now am off until into the New Year, all the best to my loyal blog-fans! I'll not lose too much sleep over 2012, things surely must be better in 2013.  Prost!

Here a few work night out photos!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lundin calling..

One thing I've not been doing a lot of in recent times is long distance coastal walkathons, have been lazy blaming weather and this and that, but all that changed on Saturday when the stretch from here to Lundin Links and Lower Largo was undertaken. Weather has been very cold, but wasn't too bad on Saturday so off we went on the approx 16 mile or so stretch. It took just under 6 hours and it was getting dark before the destination was reached. Had a pint or two in the Railway Inn and a well deserved meal in the Crusoe Hotel in Lower Largo. Still got stiff legs, but must make a New Year resolution to do more walking!

Canne believe that Xmas is almost here, obviously I haven't bought any presents at all yet, maybe I'll start next week in Edinburgh when I'm over to sample the christmas market there. Either that or I'll have several mulled wines and forget all about it.. Work goes on as usual, hopefully have 2 weeks off but remains to be seen if I'll be paid.   
Here are a few pictures, two from my weekend walk and one on a rainy day near Arrochar in November. Had intended to walk the Cobbler, a mountain, but the rain jacket let the icy rain through so retreated back to an open fire in a local inn. Will be better prepared for the next attempt!