Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Technical faux pas

Ahhhhh, that's nice, just finished work, more or less got the all clear from the doc (let your imaginations wander..) and tomorrow I'm off to the Frühlingsfest in Stuttgart for a few days! Haven't been to Germany for about a year now, the longest time for 20 years probably, so am looking forward to those beer tents! Still got my packing to do but I'm taking virtually nothing, just a few Foul Fashion items to impress the locals, all crammed together in a Foul Fashion rucksack. Am flying this time with KLM via Paris, so hope all goes smoothly, it might be a bit of a rush in Paris though. In any case, no work for a week! Though, having worked for a long time in a call centre environment, working where I am now is virtually stress-free, lets hope it lasts! Have been to the gym 3 times this month but otherwise have done nothing too strenuous, been in Edinburgh a couple of times, done a few short walks under 4 miles but otherwise have been lazy. I really need to start the massive long walking again, particularly as I plan a walking extravaganza in the highlands again later this year. Watched the Grand National in the Ferry Tap in South Queensferry (between the two Forth bridges) but did not win, this is becoming a bit of a tradition as I did the same last year too. Was a good day, lots of beer/whisky/food, though probably too much! Took many photos but seem to have lost all of them while transferring to PC -bloody idiot, as I'd immediatly cleared the memory card too :-( . Oh well, will take a few more over in the Fatherland. Bis zum nächsten Mal! Here a couple of other photos. Bloody hell, this Blogger has changed, very user-unfriendly now aaaaaarrrrgg