Saturday, February 25, 2012

Suited, suave, and an alcoholic giraffe..

Have been at 2 quiz nights, watched the woman in black (good in my opinion), went to Edinburgh a couple of times, went to work Mon-Fri 8 until 2 (it makes a difference, believe me). So in a nutshell I haven't done much extraordinary, why not do something Alan? Why not follow Michael Palin around the world? You've just watched the box-set, reminding you of the world as it was 20 odd years ago, so why not? Must I always have bourgeois concerns about mortgages, money etc? I mean, you need to go when still active enough to do so, eh? So how many of my followers would offer a sofa to a weary traveler?

Been a mild month actually, no snow here at all so far, a relief to me, otherwise I'd have to walk to my morphsuit heaven. Was at an interview at Tullis Russel, a time warp as I was there in 2001 too, interview went well, but to hell with that.."tell me about a time.." bullsh*t..experience and ability to do the job should be more important than cheesy answers and racial/sexual questionnaires!