Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Armless fun

Hi Blog people!

Well, that's January almost done and dusted then, not the greatest month ever but ok. Worst part was having a knackered arm for about 10 days, no cause (and you can stop thinking that right now..), just woke up one morning and could hardly move right arm. Was painful so went to Doc, had x-ray etc. Just took a call from Doctor's surgery, he wants to see me about x-ray, appointment in 4 weeks! Oh how wonderful our health service is. Other than that I've just been going to my morphsuit heaven during the week and chilling in the local pubs from time to time. Was my birthday on Sunday so had a couple of meals out over the weekend. Sorry about lack of bodice-ripping excitement but now the arm is getting slightly better I can start having some swashbuckling adventures.