Friday, December 28, 2012

Battery weirdness and a happy new year!

That's Xmas come and gone then, but still the new year to go. I've never really been one for celebrating the New Year too much, well maybe I have in liquid terms, but less emotionally if you know what I mean. This Xmas meal was held at my parent's place and Anne and her family were in attendance, no, a conservation-fest it wasn't, though the food was nice.

Today started off in sober fashion with me on my way to my work in Kirkcaldy in my wee car, unusually there was a locked gate on the factory's street, I got out car to try to open it but it was locked, went back to car then found it wouldn't start! Got the AA out, they said battery was goosed, and then I went to garage to get a new one. Strangely, when visiting my parents later, my father had the same problem when I was there, and went to the same garage for the same repair. Weird.

I was at work yesterday and today but now am off until into the New Year, all the best to my loyal blog-fans! I'll not lose too much sleep over 2012, things surely must be better in 2013.  Prost!

Here a few work night out photos!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lundin calling..

One thing I've not been doing a lot of in recent times is long distance coastal walkathons, have been lazy blaming weather and this and that, but all that changed on Saturday when the stretch from here to Lundin Links and Lower Largo was undertaken. Weather has been very cold, but wasn't too bad on Saturday so off we went on the approx 16 mile or so stretch. It took just under 6 hours and it was getting dark before the destination was reached. Had a pint or two in the Railway Inn and a well deserved meal in the Crusoe Hotel in Lower Largo. Still got stiff legs, but must make a New Year resolution to do more walking!

Canne believe that Xmas is almost here, obviously I haven't bought any presents at all yet, maybe I'll start next week in Edinburgh when I'm over to sample the christmas market there. Either that or I'll have several mulled wines and forget all about it.. Work goes on as usual, hopefully have 2 weeks off but remains to be seen if I'll be paid.   
Here are a few pictures, two from my weekend walk and one on a rainy day near Arrochar in November. Had intended to walk the Cobbler, a mountain, but the rain jacket let the icy rain through so retreated back to an open fire in a local inn. Will be better prepared for the next attempt!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Ich bin ein Berliner

The last update was a panic driven last resort because I refuse to let a month go by without my controversial comments..

Just back from Berlin, a bloody good trip too, walked Treptow to Alexander Platz first day, and we managed it. Business meeting went well, words can't really describe it.   Well impresssed by the company we visited, amazing really.  .


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


My oh my..Johann Sebastian Strauss fills this this rather small  flat with his excellent musical creations.

Where to begin?

The nice photo is of Ludwigsburg.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Compare the Meerkat

Almost the end of September and the weather is totally shit. Been to the gym today, well I'll be off to Stuttgart on Friday so I'll not have the opportunity for the next week or so. Been putting the calories back on with pasta and beer though!

Was supposed to be on a business trip to Berlin right now but it was canceled due to the person we were supposed to meet being ill - so instead of the Reichstag, Unter den Linden, and those lovely beer gardens I've got the dreichness of the south Fife Riviera on one of the worst days of the year.  Then again, the trip to Berlin looks like being at beginning of November now, we'll see.

As mentioned before I'm off to the Volksfest in Stuttgart on Friday! Actually I've been going for about 10 years or so, with the exception of last year, which I unfortunately missed. So this time I'll have to make up for it. Looking forward to the Gamsbart Trio, the dirndls, and of course those litre glasses of beer! Though my drinking prowess isn't what it used to be, will probably have 3 or 4 before going to bed for 15 hours to sleep it off. It's an age thing I suppose, I remember a trip to Belfast with Clemens in 1992 that was legendary in it's severity, long gone days for me, though Clemens (who will also be at the Oktoberfest) is still up there in the premier league of binge drinkers.

Was at Edinburgh Zoo a couple of weeks ago, was the first time in decades. Only animals I didn't see were the pandas because you're supposed to book a viewing time beforehand. Was good though, well worth a visit. Congratulations to Tavis for buying a panda themed hat to cover his lack of hair, only to lose it within about 4 hours in a pub in South Queensferry somewhere!  Here a couple of pics.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Numbed retro addict

Just been to the dentist and have that numb feeling, oh what a month it's been - rain, sun, rain again and then again, a typical summer really. Still, it's a British thing isn't it? Moan about the weather constantly then complain that it's too hot when the sun shines a bit. Though the summer has been pants it has to be said, no wonder millions of us jet off to the sun each year. Me? My favourite sunny place must be the Algarve, it's not too far away but is far enough!

Was at work between 7am and 9am today as it was my turn to drive my esteemed mother to the Western General  for her ongoing treatment, just a day to go before I'm off to the Ingolstadt German beerfest thingy in Kirkcaldy. Plan on going Friday and Saturday actually and it's sure to be good if last time is anything to go by.  After that I'll have about 4 weeks until I'm off to the Volksfest down Stuttgart way. For this festival I have the ideal thing- a lederhosen Morphsuit! Though would I actually wear it? I can imagine that toilet visits would be complicated. Heard at work that I may have a wee trip to Berlin coming up, not bad if true, we'll see.

This flat needs tidying but I'm just unable to make a start, probably because I'm addicted to a relatively ancient computer game Return to Castle Wolfenstein, my new PC doesn't even play it it's so old, but I have my old PC in the spare room.  Seems a bit daft that I bought a new PC only to spend more time on the old one, but there you go. I'll have to broaden my horizons and stop living in the past - honestly I'm so retro in so many ways...clothes (some say), music, TV, Films, PC Games, mobile phone..etc etc . Am I the only person alive who doesn't have internet on my phone? As for films, I'm working my way through a box-set of Hitchcock's greatest films..brilliant.

Off to fridge to get an alcohol-free beer, have to give my liver a few days rest before the weekend! See you in September!  Photo of me in garden and one of a beach cave in gorgeous weather.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

morphsuited seagull victim

Last day in July and it's sunny, makes a change from the rest of the month when it rained almost constantly. When will we finally get a nice summer? Makes you want to emigrate!

Just finished cutting the grass, have to use the opportunities when they come. At least when I'm out there the seagulls that my neighbours delight in feeding disappear, though the noise from them is always to be heard, not that I've anything against seagulls that do seagully things like catch fish, just those that scrounge and land noisily on my roof on the way to another food handout from the old maid bird mafia.

Not been on any massive walks this month but plan on a long one on Saturday, regardless of the weather, I mean I'm getting to be such a wimp, canceling plans if even a few drops are falling, but not next time. Did go a couple of weeks ago to Inchcolm, on the other half decent day we had in July. Was nice to be back on the island after many years but it was like a Hitchcock movie set with all the-yes, you've guessed- seagulls, thousands of them, dive-bombing anyone within the vicinity of their young.

Work is going ok, gave a couple of morphsuits to two of my nephews for their birthday, at my advanced age I should be past wearing them myself but what did I do after a few too many glasses of vino verde? Yeah, I put one on then went off to my local pub. My local one! Oh the shame, had to avoid that place for a few days, though maybe not everyone recognized me..

Enjoyed watching the Open Golf, Wimbledon, now Olympics etc , time for me to get off sofa and get more active myself I think, lets hope August brings good things.  Here a couple of photos..

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Computer & Highlands

Near the end of June and all is well, apart from my legs that are still stiff from walking Kinlochleven to Fort William at the weekend, about 17 miles and the weather was pretty crap, what else would you expect up there? Enjoyed it for sure!

Also got myself a new PC, first one in very many years, even wireless now.. Am happy enough with it but I am now at the limit of my monthly usage so can´t post all my usual photos,  will make up for it next time! This one shows the view from my highland hotel, it is a beautiful place so it is.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Herrliches Wetter

Weather these last few days has been unusually great, so much so that I feel myself almost wishing for our normal dreich conditions! Well maybe not, has been good to have the windows open and give the flat a good airing. Not been up to too much this month, have been going to Morphsuits as usual and to be honest I feel quite at home now. Not thinking of applying anywhere else at the moment, life is going ok for me at the moment. Have been thinking of places to go, but can't decide where, would be nice to get away for a few days. Maybe I'll go up the highlands sometime soon. No doubt I'll be going to the Volksfest in Stuttgart in late September too, so predictable. One thing I must mention however is the passing of my uncle, the scanned photo here, taken in 1975 and previously posted by me in 2007, is probably my favourite of us together. RIP Here a few recent photos.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Technical faux pas

Ahhhhh, that's nice, just finished work, more or less got the all clear from the doc (let your imaginations wander..) and tomorrow I'm off to the Frühlingsfest in Stuttgart for a few days! Haven't been to Germany for about a year now, the longest time for 20 years probably, so am looking forward to those beer tents! Still got my packing to do but I'm taking virtually nothing, just a few Foul Fashion items to impress the locals, all crammed together in a Foul Fashion rucksack. Am flying this time with KLM via Paris, so hope all goes smoothly, it might be a bit of a rush in Paris though. In any case, no work for a week! Though, having worked for a long time in a call centre environment, working where I am now is virtually stress-free, lets hope it lasts! Have been to the gym 3 times this month but otherwise have done nothing too strenuous, been in Edinburgh a couple of times, done a few short walks under 4 miles but otherwise have been lazy. I really need to start the massive long walking again, particularly as I plan a walking extravaganza in the highlands again later this year. Watched the Grand National in the Ferry Tap in South Queensferry (between the two Forth bridges) but did not win, this is becoming a bit of a tradition as I did the same last year too. Was a good day, lots of beer/whisky/food, though probably too much! Took many photos but seem to have lost all of them while transferring to PC -bloody idiot, as I'd immediatly cleared the memory card too :-( . Oh well, will take a few more over in the Fatherland. Bis zum nächsten Mal! Here a couple of other photos. Bloody hell, this Blogger has changed, very user-unfriendly now aaaaaarrrrgg

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tired legged fashion icon

Walked from Kincardine to North Queenferry on Saturday, took about 8.5 hours but did spend some time in Culross and had a pint in a couple of small towns along the way. Shame it was as misty as hell, we could hardly see 100 metres in front of us most of the way. We literally didn't see the Forth Road Bridge until we were almost under it! Legs are still stiff..

Clocks have gone forward so summertime has begun, certainly the weather has been fabulous these last couple of days, should continue too for a few days so will go a wee wander maybe after work tomorrow - it helps that I leave work at 2pm, can still enjoy the day.

Work has been fine, I wore some Foul Fashion to the local pub the other week, you could see that all eyes were upon me! Also was prancing about the flat, and my garden in my gorgeous Morphsuit, but have not been drunk enough to wear it to the pub yet! Think I might though, after all no one can recognize me while wearing it, eh? I'll let you know..

What else has March thrown at me? Well, this and that, had my arm x-rayed and am back in for a scan on Friday, however it isn't sore now. Had a run-in with the neighbours again about the seagull feeding, pretty daft when a monster rat was once spotted out there! Still they all love me really...well, we are talking anyway.

Here are a couple of nice pictures taken this month - three of me being fashionable and one a lovely wee street in Culross.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Suited, suave, and an alcoholic giraffe..

Have been at 2 quiz nights, watched the woman in black (good in my opinion), went to Edinburgh a couple of times, went to work Mon-Fri 8 until 2 (it makes a difference, believe me). So in a nutshell I haven't done much extraordinary, why not do something Alan? Why not follow Michael Palin around the world? You've just watched the box-set, reminding you of the world as it was 20 odd years ago, so why not? Must I always have bourgeois concerns about mortgages, money etc? I mean, you need to go when still active enough to do so, eh? So how many of my followers would offer a sofa to a weary traveler?

Been a mild month actually, no snow here at all so far, a relief to me, otherwise I'd have to walk to my morphsuit heaven. Was at an interview at Tullis Russel, a time warp as I was there in 2001 too, interview went well, but to hell with that.."tell me about a time.." bullsh*t..experience and ability to do the job should be more important than cheesy answers and racial/sexual questionnaires!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Armless fun

Hi Blog people!

Well, that's January almost done and dusted then, not the greatest month ever but ok. Worst part was having a knackered arm for about 10 days, no cause (and you can stop thinking that right now..), just woke up one morning and could hardly move right arm. Was painful so went to Doc, had x-ray etc. Just took a call from Doctor's surgery, he wants to see me about x-ray, appointment in 4 weeks! Oh how wonderful our health service is. Other than that I've just been going to my morphsuit heaven during the week and chilling in the local pubs from time to time. Was my birthday on Sunday so had a couple of meals out over the weekend. Sorry about lack of bodice-ripping excitement but now the arm is getting slightly better I can start having some swashbuckling adventures.