Friday, February 18, 2011

Apartheid lite

February, well it's been better than January, not that I've been stripping down to my speedos and going surfing down the beach. Had a nice birthday meal with the family in the Ship in Kinghorn, one of my better ideas. Apart from chronic constipation, which meant I saved money on toilet paper, things have been just fine and dandy.

Went to Belfast last week, weather was great, walked the streets of west, south and central Belfast in glorious conditions. Part of the scenery of Belfast, especially in working class areas, are the political murals, fascinating to visitors who can barely imagine neighbourhoods divided on religious lines, they nonetheless signify a clear cultural division in society. Perhaps sending children of all faiths to the same schools? It Would save money too! Enough politics, here are a couple of recent photos, one from the republican Falls Road, the other from the loyalist Sandy Row area, the other is of Queens University in South Belfast.