Monday, November 29, 2010


Getting to work today was like the advance to Stalingrad, I tried with the car, but the roads hadn't been gritted and a disaster was sure to happen, so back I came to Kinghorn, and just in time for the 6.30am train to South Gyle. The walk in from there took longer than usual due to the amount of snow but I arrived at my glorious workplace with only  a sore back to complain about (this has been playing up since Saturday).  A completely non-eventful day ensued that you don't want to hear about..

Amazing that it's already about 4 weeks since my West Highland Way adventure, the first 3 days were in sunshine! The later 4 were in almost constant rain, apart from a diversion for the last 5 miles, everything went very well, that's now 3 times I've completed it and that tells it's own story. Will have to buy boots, waterproof trousers, and a totally waterproof jacket before attempting other adventures however, have had my fill of almost freezing to death on the hills.  

Here are a couple of photos. My next trip is, of course, to the xmas markets in Heidelberg and Stuttgart, can only hope that the snow goes away because the airport has been closed for most of today!