Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trees and walk

Having heard the good news that the appeal of the evil builder to kill the tree I grew up opposite was thrown out, I got on a plane and flew over to Stuttgart. Over there the people were on the streets, and in the parks, protesting against Stuttgart 21, a scheme to create a quite unnecessary underground main station, obliterating the beautiful park and killing loads of ancient trees in the process. Hmmm seems a theme is developing..

Here are a few photos of the park and trees, all of which may be gone when I return there - already a large number have been felled, protesters held back by police water cannon. 

Now I've been back a couple of weeks, this is Thursday, and on Saturday I'm off again on the West Highland Way - I have never been so unprepared! Also, was ill for two days this week and now seem to have injured my back! Oh well, so be it, I'm off to start the walk from Glasgow to Fort William in any case, am sure a few drams or two of highland malt will dull the pain.

Will let you know later how I got on! The other photo is in a beer tent at the Volksfest, I don't think any of those pictured remembers it being taken..