Sunday, July 25, 2010

Totally stiff

Hello again! I've always liked July, there's Wimbledon, the British Open golf and, this year, the World Cup. But now that's all history and it's time to get off the sofa and stop being lazy!

In the last couple of weeks I've embarked on a couple of long walks, first one from here to Hillend (there just happens to be a nice pub there) and yesterday, a monster trek from here to Dalmeny, with brief stops in local watering holes in Aberdour, Inverkeithing, North Queensferry and South Queensferry along the way. Then it was on to Edinburgh by train for an hour or two -attending a colleague's leaving do-before returning back here.

I guess Tavis and I must have covered about 20 miles in total and my legs feel it today!!Taking it easy today, not leaving the flat, not for anything.. will have to raise my fitness levels for my autumn walking extravaganza in the highlands. Plans are yet to be finalized but I'll keep you updated. Fancy coming along??

Here are a couple of random photos from the archive, unfortunately I forgot to take camera with me yesterday!  One is a rare one of me with the cast on the broken arm, taken in Stuttgart, the other from a Portugese beach, oh how I'd like to be there now..though the hat is fashion suicide!