Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Have felt really ill for a couple of days now, not that it stopped me going to work today. Luckily we got away earlier than usual and I could stock up with anti-flu products at the local shop . I always find beer and whisky are the best medicine, or maybe you just forget you're ill after a while? Am a bit sad that I'm at the same point this year-in every aspect of my life-as I was last year..but, at least I know how to improve things in 2008! The photo? Well, the Likely Lads remind me of a friend or two..i'd be the Terry character, charismatic and usually in the pub..Bob? Well, there are a few out there..those too young won't remember them at all.. :-(

Why is it that many of these updates/photos are taken in drinking situations? It is a mystery that I've been thinking about for a while. Perhaps this isn't the day to change things.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Another year gone..

It gets quicker every year too, aye I might not look it but I'm getting auld so I am! Not updated for a while because I really couldn't be bothered, I went to Germany a week or so ago, hung around the christmas markets drinking mulled wine and hot mead, was lovely. I'm not much into Christmas day but I do like the candles, the food, the drink..and the more drink! Don't have much time off work though, it's back to work on Boxing day, yippee! What do you call a blind reindeer by the way? No idea(r).......

It certainly has been an interesting year, finished by German course, managed to get a distinction too, am now thinking of all the lovely places I could visit next year, it's time to to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no man has gone before..

Photo shows Clemens and I in brilliant drinking form in Kirkcaldy during his recent visit to bonnie Fife. Tavis -who took the photo- apologised profusely to Clemens for the hideous war crimes committed by his family during the war. Not that he gave Clemens any of the stolen items to take back home with him.