Monday, August 21, 2006

Back and bitten

Hallo schon wieder! OK enough German, had a great 2 weeks in eastern Germany, went to Jena, Weimar and Berlin and other interesting places. Even went to Buchenwald concentration camp but unfortunately couldn't find "wish you were here" postcards for my countless devoted friends! Arrived back yesterday and was at work today despite being eaten almost alive by a vicious horde of midges/mosquitoes on my last night in Germany. Problem is I'm allergic to the bites and now have huge seeping swellings on arms, legs and body. Apart from that I'm still totally gorgeous so there's no need for Calvin Klein to cancel my contract. This photo was sent to me by one of my Jena German-course friends, it shows a few of people who had the pleasure of my company-hence the wide smiles..or maybe it was because it was the last night..? Note my amazing impression of a tomato. I think fruit and vegetable impersonations are my way to fame and fortune. Yeah! strawberry, melon, pear, celery stick, gooseberry..I can see it now, I'll have to get an agent.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Auf Wiedersehen

Jetzt ist es soweit, ich melde mich für die nächste zwei Wochen ab. Ich fliege morgen nach Leipzig und werde wahrscheinlich die ganze Zeit in den neuen Bundesländern verbringen-bin auf jeden Fall in Jena für die erste sechs Tage. Ich werde euch vermissen. Ich weiss noch nicht ob ich dort Internetzugang haben werde, wenn ja, werde ich die Gelegenheit benutzen hier irgendwas zu schreiben.

Alles gute

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

keep fit

No..I don't know why I mentioned that either, wouldn't be surprised if I started mentioning the storming of the Bastille next! It's strange what I write sometimes but then if I was only to write what's happened to me every day it wouldn't make for too interesting reading most days (aaahhh). What do you mean it isn't interesting anyway???

Anyway I have been good and tidied my luxurious flat up, even the washing-up is in the process of being done. Had pasta for tea then went for a walk along the beach, of course at that moment the heavens opened so I ran home again. I'll have to get into this running lark, it's a good way to keep fit and it's free- unlike swimming or going to a gym (who said Scots were tight?). Yeah, I'll be fit as a fiddle in next to no time! Think it will have to wait until after my calorie-laden trip to the former GDR though. Wouldn't it be great if there was pub called "The Gym" so you could impress your colleagues and friends by proudly telling them you're off to the gym every night!