Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Almost the end of June already! Every year gets quicker. It would be better if I had enough money not to bother going to work, it's going to work that makes every day so boringly similar. It would be so much better travelling the world and sipping cocktails on some exotic tropical island..but then again things ain't so bad. Heard today that there's going to be a Bavarian music and beer festival in Kirkcaldy next week. Three years ago there was a legendary one and film of it still exists, not that one of my friends is very proud of that film, eh Tavis? Ich freue mich schon darauf!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Went to dentist yet again today, have been there quite a few times recently about two crowns. Am still numb as I write this, not just from the treatment but also from the open-wallet surgery that followed! Still, I might not have to go back for a while, we'll see.

P.S. During the treatment they always have the radio on, I knew the answer of the radio competition and it was frustrating as hell listening to the dentist and the nurse discussing possible answers- wrongly- when you have no way to speak! Next time I'll take a pen and piece of paper..

Monday, June 19, 2006

Save the whales

Sometimes there's nothing in the news to get excited about but that is not the case when it's to do with bloodthirsty Japanese and their desire to inflict a painful death on countless innocent whales. Pro-whaling nations have apparantly won a vote toward the resumption of commercial whaling. This should not be allowed to happen. The granade-tipped harpoons should be aimed at the perpetrators of this madness, not the whales.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


What a weekend! Was out in Kirkcaldy last night and again tonight! Remember that 80's kids? Going out both Friday and Saturday!? Was good, I'll even remember most of the evening which is a bonus. I even saw people singing karaoke while they were still sober..certainly not something I'd do!

P.S. Tonight was a real united nations: Scotland, Poland, Denmark and Belgium were all represented, shame that there was little opportunity to mention my support of Germany during the World Cup..or maybe I did? Who knows?

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Lovely day today, blue sky and sunshine. Thursday is my second favourite weekday, no prizes for guessing which day is my favourite. Had trouble with the car's CD player today, couldn't get the CD to eject. Was swerving all over the road to the beat of "highway to hell". Have worked it out now though so other drivers and rabbits etc should be safe from now on. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Twin towns

Driving through various towns and villages I see twin town this or that on the signs. What a lot of balls. Just an excuse for councillors to travel at the council-tax payers expense if you ask me. It would be better if the twinned towns were interesting. I'll be getting in touch with the council to have Kinghorn twinned with Bangkok, Las Vegas..and, of course, Wankheim.


Slept through the alarm this morning, eventually woke up at 6.20 and was out the flat within 10 mins. The new car is running well so arrived in Edinburgh with time to spare. Had a weird dream about extra-terrestial lifeforms (no, haven't been to the local nightclub for a while!). If space is infinite could it be there are millions of earths? And if there are, do the dinosaurs still rule on some of them? Don't suppose I'll ever find out..but I did see a UFO hovering over Edinburgh a few years ago. Back to reality..

Monday, June 12, 2006


Monday morning, I just love Monday mornings. Am at work and looking forward to another week of fun and games here in the office. Wasted the weekend, am going to make up for it next time though..see? Monday and I'm planning for the weekend already, wishing my life away. I'd like a time-machine, so if I can't be bothered I could just fast forward..or a clone! The clone could job share with me, i'd only have to work every other day, and no one would be any the wiser!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Ok, so it should have been "newborn blog"..there are people who care! Really! Shame the Ivory Coast lost. Tomorrow is another day.

New born blog

My trustworthy friend got drunk last night therefore is unable to cruise the bars of Fife's finest large town. I am not too bothered to be honest, this warm weather tires me. I'm dreaming of stormy, rainy days all of a sudden. I don't like to lie out in the sun anyway (being fair I don't tan, just go lobster pink).

Like millions of other geezers, I'm in world cup fever. It's a brilliant excuse to booze guilt-free during the day! Shame it's only every 4 years, i feel guilt the rest of the time..

I'm supporting Ivory Coast at the moment, the argies are ahead as I write this but hey..winning isn't everything! Being a Raith Rovers fan I'm used to success NOT.

P.S I'm new to blogger so added the photo as a test, I'll add a larger version another day. I'm on the left. My beach can just be seen.
Ciao for now.