Monday, September 30, 2024

American Adventure

Well that's the month almost over, it's been a memorable one! 

Meet distant cousins from the USA in Larbert at start of month, was the worst possible day and we all got soaking exploring old cemeteries for joint relatives. Kath and Uncle Norman came along, Kath without a jacket and got totally drookit. 

A couple of days later we were on plane to Heathrow for overnight stay before flight with BA to Seattle on 5 September. Almost a 10 hour flight, but wasn't too bad, watched a couple of films but didn't sleep, arrived there about lunchtime. Found our way to Motif Hotel and off exploring. Was nice there, much too much to describe here, so will keep things brief, did all the usual tourist stuff and would certainly go back. Seattle is famous for rain, but it was clear blue skies during the whole USA trip. 

After Seattle got train to Portland for 2 nights in Deluxe Hotel, was nice also. Visited the mother of the cousins I had met in Larbert on first day too. Portland has the biggest bookshop in the world so spent time there as well as in a couple of breweries.

Got the Amtrac train down to Emeryville (for San Francisco) from Portland, takes 18 hours, but had a wee roomette where the seats can be converted to beds, was OK, think I caught a cold in train though. 

San Francisco was excellent, again all the tourist stuff was done, Alcatraz visited, Golden Gate, Lombard Street, Coit Tower, cable cars etc. Stayed at Handlery Hotel at Union Square, was Ok. Got a driverless taxi to the Castro district to hang out with all the boys..Was visited while in SF by Lindsay, the cousin I had previously met in a soggy graveyard in Scotland.

After SF it was onward to Santa Barbara for a night, really needed more than a night here, was good, but could only scratch the surface. Didn't meet Harry or Meghan while there, but not disappointed about that.

Next day it was LA, managed to get to the hotel in Marina del Rey with a combination of tram (full of weirdos) and taxi, didn't do much on first day as was about 6 or 7 pm by time we were at hotel. Next day, we crammed a lot in, headed to Hollywood and did a minibus tour through famous areas. After that the tram to Santa Monica, went to pier then walked back along Venice Beach to hotel, must have got almost 30k steps that day. 

Flew back from LAX on Monday 16th, on that morning we visited a graveyard in nearby Culver City as Bea wanted to see Leonard Nimoy's grave. The flight back was OK, was overnight and I didn't sleep much if at all. Got our connection at Heathrow and arrived back in Edinburgh in one piece. 

Not been up to much since arriving back, took a while for sleeping to get normal, was waking up during night for a few days. Managed a couple of wee runs this week, but been pretty much a lardarse otherwise. Got 200K steps by 15 September, but have only added 75K since. Oh well, the weather has been shite. 

Out for a meal tonight with Norman and Gillian tonight (it's her 80th tomorrow), Kath and John will be there too. 

Have probably forgotten to write quite a lot, but hey are a few randomly chosen photos, took quite a lot! One is a terrified me on the Space Needle in Seattle, another the sun going down on Venice Beech, actually made video of sun disappearing. Also to be seen is Alcatraz, me collecting my Oscar in Hollywood and meeting Lindsay in SF. 


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pre-American Tension

Sun is shining, what a lovely day! Not typical of this month which has been largely shite. Managed to cut grass here (damp grass choking cutter) and at my father's old place. We are still in limbo regarding my father's will, it has taken ages and we are probably being taken for a ride by the law firm dealing with it.

Collected tickets/paperwork from Charlie Reid Travel on Thursday, the trip to the USA is very soon, flying down to Heathrow on Wednesday and on to Seattle from there on Thursday. Then, after 2 nights, down to Portland, visiting a relative there I never knew (mother of cousin visiting here) I had until recently, then San Francisco, Santa Barbara and LA. Only 2 nights in LA, so won't see too much but certainly Venice Beach and Santa Monica which aren't too far from the hotel, obviously will have to briefly visit Hollywood too. 

Am at work early tomorrow, but just a 5 hour shift then I can fully prepare for the holiday. I usually leave things last minute as I just love the stress of it all..Added to the mix are the group of USA cousins we (Kath and Uncle Norman) are meeting at Larbert on Monday. We found our connection on a DNA testing site, we meet at Larbert where the common ancestors are buried. Got to say I am out of my comfort zone with all this, but fingers crossed all goes OK. 

Made my steps and went a few runs as usual, despite the mostly rubbish weather. Was up farm the other day and my Aunt is doing fine. Shame the US relatives are from my father's side of the family otherwise she would have been all over it :-) 

Here are a couple of photos taken this month..Rudi and Jutta from Heidelberg were in the Auld Hoose for drinkies, an old photo of me, my sisters and cousins John and Christine, probably 1974 or so..also the Old Crocks runners for charity at the Auld Hoose.  See you in September!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Post Norse depression

 That's July almost gone and it will soon be Christmas.

Month started on board the Balmoral cruise ship visiting 4 places in Norway. First time there, were relatively lucky with the weather and all went well. Had the drinks package so partook royally while aboard, also hit a couple of Norwegian pubs in Haugesund and in Alesund, very expensive, but was prepared for that. 

Was a nice wee ship, not the biggest I've been on, but small enough to enter the fjords. Would have been better with an outside cabin, but you can't have everything. 

Rest of month has gone really quickly, been walking/doing my short runs as normal. Also went to Edinburgh the day before last, ended up in Bow Bar and don't remember leaving the place. Been a bit fragile yesterday, but had a run from Kissing Trees down into Kirkcaldy today. Actually been great weather last 2 days, should have cut grass, but hopefully do that tomorrow.

Financially a bit better off after the endowment poilicy I was mis-sold back in 1999 matured. Did not reach the target amount, but as I have already paid mortgage off was a nice bonus. Will help with the USA trip in September and perhaps will help with an Australian -or similar- trip in future.

Discovered yesterday that Rudi and Jutta from Heidelberg will pass through Kinghorn on a roadtrip next week, so no doubt will be having a few refreshments, also going to a Whisky tasting in Auld Hoose on Friday, got to be careful though as working next day.

Work is manic as usual, glad I have a designated seat now as hotdesking is not for me. 

Here a few pics..

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pre-trip running football mourner

 I update now as I leave tomorrow on a boat to Norway for a week, never been there before, a beautiful land where you need a bank loan for a pint I think, so we'll see. Don't expect the weather will be too good, and I will likely have no wifi unless in port. Think there will be 4 stops during the week, then I'll be back on day of the general election to vote for the party most likely to stop the nationalists winning this constituency. 

Been an active month for me in terms of steps, but particularly running that I am quite into now. I like to combine walks and runs with maybe a 3-4k run at end. My favourite running track is up near the farm and kissing trees, was there earlier today and the fog was thick as hell, should have worn my bright yellow t-shirt but didn't, still there were no cars to speak of luckily. 

Made steps target today, as I might not be able to update without internet on board the ship. Packing things right now and it's difficult to pack as Norway might be warm/cold/sunny/rainy. Also I have to pack smart clothes for the dinner evenings on board, will be easier to pack for my big trip in September, but more on that another time. 

Was at funeral of Jim Smith yesterday, a lovable Kinghorn character who almost everyone knew, certainly all pub goers. The service was good and afterwards a few drinks were partaken of at the Auld Hoose in his memory. Won't be the same without Irish Jim RIP.

The football was predictably shite, a negative manager well out of his depth picking his mates for the team. Absolutely pathetic surrender against Germany and not much better in the other two games, the fans may have been popular abroad, but it was all so pathetic on the pitch. Don't know who I want to win now, though not England as we would never hear the end of it. I drew France in the office sweep, but really? No, I can't support them either. See you next time! Photo shows me getting ready for funeral, the budgies in a rare quiet moment and the washing drying in back garden, maybe Monday was our summer..

Friday, May 31, 2024

Alan Two Trips

Crivens, last day of May and I almost forgot this.

Started month down in Chester, a brilliant city and perhaps my favourite in England. Still has the old city walls, a good way to get from P to P, in other words from pub to pub. The pubs were great, especially the Cavern of the Curious Gnome. 

The small house was only just big enough for the 3 of us and was right next to the city walls and the canal. I even had a 6km run along canal on 1 May, it's amazing how new scenery gives you more energy. Am sure Oliver from Heidelberg enjoyed his time there, he was pished mostly, so I think so.

A few days later I went on my own down to Ulverston (again), was 4 nights on my own and was OK, though I think I've exhausted this place, maybe elsewhere from now on. 

I have this weekend off,  and weather forecast good for a change, we'll see if I go anywhere. 

The budgies are getting on great and wee Charlie is quite tame, he tries even to land on my glorious full head of hair from time to time.

Was along cutting grass at my late father's place today, cut it 3 weeks ago, was a forest, and today it was almost equally hard. looked in at Kath's without seeing her, nephew Oliver now back from the other side of the world. 

So, just my next trip at end of June to look forward to, more later. 

Yes, I made my steps target, also try a weekly run, will have to try doing it twice a week as slowly getting fat of my favourite routes is from the Kissing Trees into Kirkcaldy, only 3km, and mostly downhill.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Grave visiting budgie dad


I update a few days early as am heading down to Chester tomorrow for a week of far too much drinking probably, then again, I have been a goody two shoes recently. My non-drinking lasted until 21 April so 6 and a half weeks, not bad. Am no longer a lardarse as I have been walking/running a lot. Even today I managed a 5K run, well, I also walked at least that distance too, all burns calories. Anyway, all thoughts of sobriety will be banished for the trip we will embark on, Oliver from Heidelberg will bankroll the rounds..ha bloody ha.

Will have an early night today as the train we have goes at stupid O'clock in the morning (provided it goes at all, who trusts Scotrail?). 

It's noisy in the living room, Charlie the new budgie arrived on 11 April and is in charge of the swing in the cage much to Kenny's annoyance. They are getting on fine it would seem, Charlie is a bit tamer, will jump on to the finger sometimes, Kenny is scared unless tired.

Had a trip into the past on Tuesday, a trip to Larbert, not too far from here, but a place I don't think I had ever visited. This was to investigate family history, a report Kath had done several years ago contained a lot of info, so I tracked down the graves of several relatives in the old parish kirkyard. Some graves were barely readable, but I had downloaded info from internet that listed the graves. Americans from Oregon will be arriving end of August and I am connected through the Larbert relatives so some research was needed. 

Photos show graves of my great great great grandparents William and Mary, and the older one is my Great x 5 grandparents!! Have other photos from graveyard, but still working out the connections..

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sober Scampi mourner

 I would normally update on last day of month, but will do so now as I have a long shift tomorrow at the vet's place and I might forget. 

Month started off with me walking to Aberdour a new way, not along the coast, surprised I hadn't discovered it before, didn't take too long. Another new route was undertaken a few days later this time to Balmuto Castle, well not directly to it as it's a private residence these days, then on and on I marched, round Stenhouse reservoir then eventually past the farm and back home, about 25k steps that day and it's good to discover new trails. I made the 200K target with ease as was quite active walking and running, even made 4 gym visits! Perhaps I have been more energetic as I have not had any alcohol since 5 March, I intend to continue this on to mid April if I can. Normally I have April off the booze but am going to Chester and meeting up with german Oliver so thet certainly won't be a booze-free week!

Have been drinking some Becks 0.0 and a Budweiser Zero at the moment, am not even drinking beers that have 0.5% as that's cheating. Have lost over 3 kg so far, but I was a fat bastard (for me) to start with so am hoping to lose another 2kg if I can. 

Have been at work yesterday and today, in tomorrow and then again on Monday, always work public holidays and Easter is not really my thing.

Budgie Kenny is squawking away as I write this, am playing the YouTube budgie video he likes. We are in mourning because Scampi the budgie died suddenly on Wednesday evening, was little more than a year and a bit old, poor wee thing. Whether we get another remains to be seen. 

A photo shows me entering Aberdour, another at Balwearie Castle remains, yeah walked that route again this month. The late Scampi is the green one, RIP :-(